Chair of Student Council Isaac Chase-Rahman resigned at a meeting on 27 February in protest of “disregard for democratic principles” by “SU’s leadership and Trustee Board,” which struck down two motions of no confidence. The Returning Officer Joe Bell also resigned prior to this meeting.
“At this rate novices will still be eligible for next year’s novice regatta” was a rower’s off-hand comment that inspired this investigation. Twelve term...
Corpus Christi College voted overwhelmingly, with no vote against and one abstention, to disaffiliate from the Student Union at a JCR meeting on 18 February, citing the SU’s “controversies and ineffectiveness.” The disaffiliation will go into effect at Corpus's pizza party with the SU-funded pizza they recently won.
The Student Union (SU) has voted in favour of the “Divestment” motion that mandates SU Sabbatical Officers to lobby Oxford University and its colleges to sever all ties with any company or organisation meeting certain criteria – including those “which a reasonable person would believe to be involved in unethical conduct.”
On Saturday night, the Oxford Union voted in favour of the motion “This House does not know what the Labour Party stands for.” The final count had 188 members voting for the motion and 70 members voting against.
Following the central government’s annual allocation of funding to local councils, Oxfordshire’s projected £9.1 million budget shortfall has grown to £11.2 million for the 2024/25 financial year after the county did not receive as much grant support funding as expected.
At Saturday night’s intervarsity debate against the Cambridge Union, members voted in favour of the motion “This House believes money can buy you happiness.”
A team led by Professor Patrick Irwin of Oxford University’s Department of Physics found that Neptune and Uranus are both pale blue-green, not deep navy blue as is commonly believed. The main purpose of their study, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, was to explain why Uranus’s colour changes throughout its year.
Around a hundred protestors blocked the entrance to Barclays on Cornmarket Street in a demonstration organised by Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) in support of the boycott, divest, sanctions (BDS) movement currently targeting the bank.
Oxford University and College Union (UCU) Committee told Cherwell: “Whilst Oxford University’s Vice Chancellors continue to receive six-figure salaries, the pay and conditions of many staff who work to make this University a world-leading educational institution continue to deteriorate.”
Hundreds marched through Oxford city centre in a demonstration organised by Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) on 16 December. The protest marked the tenth...
A panel from Oxford institution booksellers Blackwell’s have named Mary Beard’s Emperor of Rome, Martin MacInnes’ In Ascension, and Pari Thomson’s Greenwild as winners...
Expedition Cyclops, which explored the Cyclops mountains in Indonesia and included researchers from the University of Oxford, rediscovered Attenborough's long-beaked echidna which was last...
Oxfordshire County Council voted last Tuesday to make the East Oxford Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) permanent.
According to the Council’s report, this includes three LTNs...