Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sofia Cotterill

Blood money: A cry against London’s ‘festival of violence’

These realities are of course hidden by DSEI, who present a highly refined image of respectability – showing off and promoting their killing machines in pretty packages and their exhibitors clothed in Savile Row suits and loathsome smiles. This is taken to extremes in the form of the 2019 DSEI highlights video, which rolls slickly on like some sick, grotesque Hollywood movie or video game trailer, eroticising and glorifying the violent implements of war and torture, and entirely camouflaging their lethal reality.

Be more Banksy: how the UK continues to fail refugees in need

"In an alternative universe it quite easily could have been you or I fleeing war and turmoil."

Refugees in the Time of Corona: How We Fail Those Most In Need

Sofia Cotterill explores how our government is failing those fleeing from violence and persecution.

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