Friday, March 14, 2025

Sophie Kilminster

Ballroom Brutalism

So often images of Oxford balls focus on the perfectly dressedagainst the backdrop of an ancient college. We wanted to subvertthis and...

A round-up of spring 2019 beauty trends

‘Florals? For Spring? Ground-breaking.’ (Opening a fashion article with that quote? Ground-breaking.) Except, Miranda Priestly’s eviscerating dismissal (coupled with a withering stare) is perhaps...

Oxford Diocese defends invitation of Islamic scholar to preach at University Church

Monawar Hussain was invited to deliver a sermon by Vice-Chancellor Louise Richardson

Oxford City Council announces new youth support strategy

The Council's new Children and Young People’s Strategy will replace the current Youth Ambition Strategy and Children and Young People’s Plan

The government is wrong to dismiss abortion clinic buffer zones

Protests outside abortion clinics are a form of harassment which undermine the free choices of women

Let’s talk about loneliness over the vac

Size isn't everything when it comes to termly breaks

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