Thomas Bristow

Review: William Lowry’s ‘Zeitgeist’ at Trinity College

"Upon entering a darkened room, we were immediately struck by an intense, almost bewildering soundscape, and before us were strange, industrial sculptures."

Sir Philip Pullman receives the Bodley Medal

Sir Philip Pullman has been awarded the Bodley Medal in a ceremony at the Sheldonian Theatre.  The medal is awarded by the Bodleian Library “to...

Is football becoming inaccessible?

Like millions of other people, my first football match is an important memory. West Ham lost 0-1 to Stoke in the 13/14 season, but...

In search of lost lives – The phenomenon of ‘Dark Tourism’  

'Upon entering the House of Terror, I was immediately struck by a great sense of unease. The idea of ‘Dark Tourism’ was not something that had occurred to me until over a year ago, on that overcast day in Budapest.'

The joy of Spotify’s Discover Weekly

Thomas Bristow talks through the beauty of Spotify's Discover Weekly interface, and how it has changed his music tastes.

Nocturne Productions: A new take on filmmaking in Oxford with “Breakwater”

‘Breakwater’ is an upcoming feature-length film, produced by Oxford-based Nocturne Productions, and the first film by Oxford University students since Privileged in 1982. The...

Breakwater : Oxford’s first student feature-film in forty years

"Recently, our primary filming location burnt down"

Cecil Jackson-Cole: The first Philanthrocapitalist

For his latest column Thomas Bristow tells the story of the Oxonian who founded Oxfam. Image Description: Oxfam on Broad Street As far as charity shops...

Preserved in blue and white: Sarah Cooper

"The idea of writing a column about a breakfast condiment may seem fanciful, but this particular marmalade does have a genuine place in British culture."

Names preserved in blue and white: Anthony Wood

"It’s a shame Wood didn’t have SOLO to use, but as we all know from last minute searches, the college library doesn’t have everything."