Tom Beardsworth

Just a joke? Louis Trup is battering OUSU machine politics

It may all be mad, but the effectiveness of Trup's online campaign shows how old-style OUSU campaigning has fallen behind

Review: Out of Print

How can news organisations survive the transition to digital and social media, George Brock asks?

Harris Manchester razor blade warning

A Harris Manchester student has found a razor blade embedded upright in his bike saddle according to a JCR email

Cameron visits Brasenose

The Prime Minister visited his old Oxford college early on Friday evening to officially open completed renovation works. He told students that 'the tutorials don't stop when you leave Oxford'

An editor has to be heartless, but thoughtful too

The news that one Shark Tales participant is facing the sack, after comments published by Cherwell, raises questions about if and when student journalists should protect students' reputations

Oxford Union invites EDL leader

Tommy Robinson, the leader of the English Defence League, has been invited to a nationalism debate in Michaelmas term

The perils of Linking In

Tom Beardsworth examines how the professional networking site exposes the worst of us

Exeter in one day hall boycott

Exeter College JCR, in a dispute with the college over its catering charge, set up a college kitchen to help students skip hall meals

Is the Wadham Zero Tolerance policy fair?

Tom Beardsworth and Barbara Speed argue about the merits, or not, of the college JCR's new policy to combat sexual harassment

Review: The Politician’s Husband

Tom Beardsworth enjoys the drama and duplicity of The Politician's Husband — but it doesn't beat Borgen

Lembit Opik hits Bridge

The former Lib Dem MP, well known as a party-goer, went to Bridge last night after the New Labour debate at the Oxford Union

OUCA Back in Business

Exclusive: Oxford's Tories have recouped university affiliation one year after losing it. As a result OCA has become OUCA.

Trinity hosts anti-gay group

Exclusive: The 'Wilberforce Academy', a conference organised by the Christian Concern lobby group, has moved to Trinity College after provoking a storm at Exeter College last year.

Travel Blog: Moscow in March

Maybe try St Petersburg instead...

IRSoc rescind Galloway invitation

Bradford West MP disinvited from Oxford society

Male candidates gain more firsts than women

After data shows that a higher proportion of men receive firsts than women at Oxford, the University announces that “steps should be taken” to give students the degree they deserve

5 Minute Tute: Localism

Daniel Hannan is a Conservative MEP, a Eurosceptic and an advocate of localism.

George Galloway in anti-Israel storm

George Galloway has been accused of 'pure racism' by his debate opponent after 'storming out' of Christ Church.

Interview: Andrew Adonis

Tom Beardsworth talks to the Labour peer about Oxford, government and education policy

Fireworks set off at Oxford nightclub

Exclusive: 'Large fireworks' set off in Bridge nightclub linked to Oxford University students