Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tom Carter

Brexit: an academic nightmare

Tom Carter argues that EU funding is vital to British academic institutions and voting out will lead to their intellectual impoverishment

A pack of lies: Queuing and The Oxford Union

Tom Carter argues that the Oxford Union's real problem is not its pathetic hackery but rather its queuing culture

Interview: Vernon Bogdanor

David Cameron’s former tutor talks politics with Tom Carter

Interview: Jonathan Powell

Tom Carter talks politics and diplomacy with Jonathan Powell, Blair’s No. 10 Chief of Staff

Anti-BDS motion rejected at OUSU Council meeting

NUS delegates will have a free vote on BDS at NUS Conference

University refuses to fund OxHub

OxHub launches petition after University refuses to continue funding, leaving it £70,000 short

Investigation: Oxford’s role in the fight against Ebola

This week, C+ explored the contribution Oxford scientists have made in combatting Ebola

Interview: Tommy Rampling

As part of C+'s investigation into Oxford's treatment of Ebola, Tom Carter speaks to Tommy Rampling, who is part of the Oxford team testing a potential vaccine

Interview: Peter Horby

As part of C+'s investigation into Oxford's treatment of Ebola, Tom Carter speaks to Peter Horby, who is leading Oxford's contribution to finding a cure

Spiked criticises Oxford’s “censorship”

Website places Oxford in worst category for free speech

Oxford don: settlements not key issue in Israel’s West Bank

Dr Hirschhorn cites 'underlying ideological tensions' as most important factor in the Arab-Israeli conflict

Oxford team reaches final of WUDC

Oxford debaters enjoy success at the World University Debating Championships in Malaysia

Stand for your JCR committee: a call to arms

Tom Carter responds to the growing apathy for JCR politics

A golden opportunity for the Church of England

Tom Carter argues that by appointing a female Bishop of Oxford, the Church of England can send a strong message to those that see it as irrelevant in the modern world

Review: Welcome To The Parish Of Cummerbund-upon-Tweed

Tom Carter enjoys this immersive satire on the small-minded glory of parochial England

Interview: Peter Kellner

Tom Carter talks polling, ethics, Europe and elections with Peter Kellner, the President of YouGov

What it’s like being a JCR Treasurer

Tom Carter, Treasurer of Trinity JCR, talks about managing a JCR’s finances

Should the rest of the UK care about Scottish independence?

With polling stations open, Tom Carter argues that the rest of the UK should treat a possible Yes vote with great alarm, not casual indifference

The NUS and Alcohol: A Toxic Mix

Tom Carter argues that, with their new anti-binge drinking campaign, the NUS are as out of touch as ever

Academics should speak plain English

Tom Carter argues that if the humanities wish to stay relevant they need to get rid of complex jargon and concentrate on being accessible

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