Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Tom Goulding

About the Town Episode 7

Tom Goulding and James Arch take to the streets to ask the people of Oxford their thoughts on students.

The Office: A Retrospective

Ten years on, Tom Goulding holds a series of interviews with the cast of the award-winning sitcom

About the Town – Episode 6

Tom Goulding and James Arch take to the streets to ask people about their nicknames.

Life in the big smoke

Tom Goulding gives a run-down of the good and the bad of London's boroughs.

Brent is Back

Tom Goulding considers the brief return of David Brent in last week's Comic Relief

About the Town – Episode 5 ‘Party’

Episode 5 asks the general public the most embarrassing thing they have done at a party.

About the Town – Valentine’s Day Special

CherwellTV canvasses public opinion on February 14th.

A Big Night Out

Tom Goulding talks to Clive Martin, one of Vice's hottest upcoming names

Oxford Clubbing Guide

Whether you're a Park End fist-pumper or a cellar-going k-holer, Cherwell has the Oxford club for you.

5 Conclusions On Robin Van Persie to Manchester United

A player moved from one team to another team on Wednesday night. Here is what we learnt.

The sun always Riesers

Tom Goulding talks to Tobias Rieser, the man behind Klangkarussell

The rise of football hipsterism

Tom Goulding describes how the footballing world has its own form of the mainstream-subverting phenomenon

Don’t look back in anger, or indeed at all

In a return to the sports pages Tom Goulding attempts to find some meaning in post-Premier League tea-leaf stirring

Darts And Respectability

Deputy Sports Editor Tom Goulding takes a look at the camaraderie surrounding the nation's fastest-growing sport.

Thrills, spills and goals galore

Tom Goulding examines why this seasons Premier League season has the potential to be the best yet

English superstars do not breed success

Tom Goulding explains the reason why England managed to beat World Champions Spain last week

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