Thursday, March 13, 2025

Violet Aitchison

Let it be?

The last month has too frequently left me wondering what the obsession with revivals and reunions is all about. We know that die-hard fans...

Mistakes and Markers of Time

"It's very easy to criticise and cringe at old pictures of yourself, wondering how your mum ever let you leave the house in your most treasured white ripped ‘joni jeans’"

Is it fair to still care about award ceremonies?

"I’m not quite at the level where I stay up until four in the morning to watch the Oscars, but I will, without fail, google the winners the next day"

Weaponised incompetence, laziness, or narcissism? Fathers at Christmas

Another Christmas came and went, and with it, I got to witness the adult men around me get away with doing little to nothing....

Is the minority still the majority?

"Since the proportion of state school students at Oxford has risen, so has the number of screaming headlines in the national press"

“That’s not misogyny, babe”. 

If I were born four hundred years ago, I’m pretty certain I would have been burnt at the stake for being a witch. Being told to “shhh” and how “scary” I looked by a man on Mayday morning at Magdalen Bridge reminded me of this fact. I forgot how ‘scary’ a woman with an opinion could be. 

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