Monday, February 24, 2025

William Hosie

The Ferryman Review – ‘bursting with intergenerational energy and tragic potency’

Jez Butterworth and Sam Mendes' present a tale of a family riven by personal loss and political upheaval

Quad Goals

William Hosie pays tribute to Oxford's unsung style squads

Protests widen the rift between public and police

William Hosie challenges conventional notions about protests' effectiveness

‘The Parisian’ is a barrier to progressive fashion

William Hosie criticises the conservative approach to fashion and politics in modern France

SLAM: Poetry that isn’t afraid to make an impact

William Hosie investigates how the art of slam challenges our assumptions about poetry

Instagram: the art of on screen reinvention

William Hosie reminds us to view others’ Instagram personae with some crucial critical distance

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