I am a proud convert. My interest in Judaism began with my family background, and I cannot explain my conversion without first explaining that.
My mother’s side of the family,...
"Perhaps the question of how we can connect to traditions authentically, without doing things we don't believe in for the sake of it or giving up on truly living our Jewishness, is a universal diasporic and/or secular conundrum."
It is these expressions of Jewish life before the war - beset with jokes, neuroses, and anguish - which stay alive long after reading the texts. I would highly recommend.
Etymology: Yiddish kvetshen to talk about something at great length and (often) in an annoying manner, semantic development (perhaps reflecting an extended use along...
"We must not live in fear; we must live so vibrantly that if we are taken again, we will have left our mark, so that even after our death, we will live."
Holidays are the punctuation of our lives; they come around every year with comforting regularity, providing an opportunity for rest, reflection, and celebration. Our experience of Jewish holidays since the pandemic arrived may not have been quite the same as usual, but nonetheless amid the grinding monotony of Covid-era life they have functioned as small pockets of joy.
I sat in my A-level History lessons, staring at images of prisoners in Nazi extermination camps, alongside the same boys who had grown up in that school and probably participated in its “humorous” and “edgy” Nazi fetishism, trying to make it all fit together. I was very quiet, focusing. Still I couldn’t.
During the pandemic, some of us have come to measure out our lives in Friday night dinners and matzah balls...surrounded by the people that we love, chicken soup sits at the heart of the little sanctuary in the week that Friday night dinner represents.