
Reflections on the perils of overthinking

here is a lot to be said for blind positivity. On a good day, I’m a manifester, a big believer in my ability to speak things into existence. During my English A-Level, I had complete confidence that the crystals hidden in my bra would provide enough luck to snag me an A*. Today, I put great faith in words, relying on the same ‘I can do it’ that gets Olympic athletes across the finish line, to help me through difficult situations.

The fourth year: Oxford after your year abroad

I’m now in my fourth year, and as such, must grapple with the reality of my Oxford days drawing to a close. Granted, this is something that every student must contend with, and I watched on as most of my friends bade a fond farewell to this city where our friendships began when they graduated last summer. Yet there is something about the fourth year that I’m certain makes the final year even more strange: a sense of something already lost, of living in a moment that has already passed.

An evening at Pierre Victoire: French bistro dining at its best

Pierre Victoire has been here on Little Clarendon Street for decades – one of...

Being Cupid isn’t easy: What I learned from a term of running Cherpse

Now, having exhausted myself with these relentless pursuits, the job has been passed on to a new bright-eyed Cupid, and in my retirement I’ve become fondly reflective, and decided to curate my insights into this list: 

How Oxford celebrates Pancake Day, from races to formals

Today is Shrove Tuesday, the last day before Lent, and coincidentally, pancake day! Oxford does a lot to celebrate, and Cherwell is excited to...

‘Hot Girl Hilary’ – A mid-term reflection on what this really means

Better late than never, right? It’s the sentiment which lies at the heart of every tutorial essay, every near-sprint to a looming lecture or class (maybe even this article). Oxford time is a tin of treacle which seems to weigh down every step taken or word written, until you’re gasping for breath at the knife-edge of the essay deadline. It's the 5th week of term and you don’t want to run out of steam, but there isn’t much left in the tank. 

Unboxing the past: Snapshots of self-reflection

Memories aren't just windows into the past - they're about preserving pieces of who we are now.

Work hard, drink harder: Alcohol dependence and the Oxford experience

Since I arrived at Oxford, alcohol has been woven into the fabric of my university experience. Drinking isn’t just expected – it’s encouraged, celebrated, and deeply embedded in student culture. Nights out, pub trips, drinking societies, formals: Oxford demands drinking, and I’ve obliged, over and over again.

Brookes, Bridge, and Bodleian: A Tale of Two Universities

The University of Oxford, with its ancient colleges and lofty spires, has a reputation of intellectual prestige on the one hand and eccentricity on the other. Across the river Cherwell, its newer neighbour is a modern, dynamic, and sprightly alternative full of industrious opportunities. Yet, it is inevitably still a place where “I go to Oxford,” if left unspecified, tends to be followed by ‘no, not that one’. 

Reflections on my hometown

Something I miss about home is the sea. There’s a comfort in the fact it’s always there and never seems to change. When you...

Galentine’s: The real love story

Swapping Valentines for platonic love: Anita Okunde on the revolutionary nature of Galentine's.

A manifesto on self-care: Going back to basics

Sophie Lyne re-examines our attitudes towards self-care: is an overhaul necessary?

My Diary: Self-reflection or self-sabotage?

Carolina Julius discusses the good, the bad and the ugly sides of daily journalling.

The purgatory between Oxford and the West Midlands.

When my “yahs” replaced my  “yows” I knew I was in trouble. Last year, I wrote a poem about my Black Country accent. I...

Dating across the Oxbridge divide

Can love exist beyond the boundary of Oxford and Cambridge? Laurence Cooke discusses.

Take Cover: A review of Sartorelli’s

Being handed a pager fills me with panic; I can’t help feeling a bit of a rush. I'm handed the black chunk of plastic...

Is Life Meaningless?

Believe it or not, this is an article about hope. For hope to last, however, I believe that it must be earned. We thus...

Has Atik’s closure cursed Oxford nightlife?

In my first year, I was a regular Atik attendee, especially at Park End. Chris Duke’s shout-outs, the cheese floor and Ahmed's chips on...

The definitive ranking of (most) Oxford matcha

Matcha, rich in antioxidants and caffeinated, is my go-to when I don’t want anything espresso. Yet not every store in Oxford sells it – I have been a victim of many bad matcha lattes over the years. Here’s a ranking of the matcha lattes I’ve had in Oxford.

Kissing my husband? Groundbreaking.

My boyfriend and I are married!! For over two years now, wow - what a journey. At 20, some could say it’s a bit...

My parents, Oxford, and me

My parents studied at Oxford, which meant I knew Oxford before I knew myself.  The university found a way to fill each nook and cranny...

Inauguration Day: ‘No one can claim complicity from across the ocean’. 

First, a proclamation: I voted for Kamala Harris in the 2024 US election. Second, a geological fact: I am from Seattle, Washington. Washington is...

New Year’s Resolutions: In or Out?

As another year rolls around, I am (still) not doing enough exercise. And so, yet again, I will resolve to exercise more. But why...

Oxford cured my perfectionism

So the Oxford workload, rather than triggering a stress response, has instead desensitised me to the fear of academic failure. Exposure therapy, I suppose. It’s very freeing.