Moosa Harraj running for the #Bridge slate has been elected Union President for Michaelmas Term 2025 with 833 first preferences, by a margin of around 200 votes over Chris...
Key donors preventing the society from going under includes an adviser to a Saudi-Arabian minister, who has overseen more than 80% of fundraising for a key Union initiative.
Another good reason, joyous rampant bisexuality aside, to be a Wadhamite. This Saturday, do anything you can from begging, bribery and sucking Wadhamite cock...
Pre-Paradise Sorry Now is quite unlike any performance I’ve ever seen before; the best description I can offer is an amalgamation of Beckett, Donnie...
Croquet might be seen as a quintessentially Oxford sport; this year’s cuppers competition has an entry of over 500 players. However, outside Oxford the...
A solid team performance and some stunning individual successes characterised a victorious weekend for the Oxford University Company of Archers, in the last tournament...
Oxford football, not usually a college pursuit associated with gender equality, presented a surprise result as a mixed BNC team won the RAG five-a-side...
Feeling left out of the Oxford tradition of racing hard-shelled creatures, Lincoln have established an official committee to investigate the acquisition of a tortoise....
Corpus Christi’s JCR meeting proved more pleasurable than most at the weekend after being exchanged for Pimms and strawberries in the garden. With only...
Suscpicious students at Brasenose submitted a motion to their JCR revealing the true nature of Chris Patten’s election as Chancellor. Condemning his victory as...
Oxford dons have reacted furiously to a proposal to boycott all relations with Israeli academics. The motion, being put to the Association of University...
The most glamorous pair in the science world last week announced their impending divorce, just weeks after being described as “Oxford’s golden couple.” Millionaire...
Trinity students have been shocked by a massive rent hike proposed by the College. Undergraduates have responded by unanimously rejecting the inflation-busting increases to...