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Puzzle Solutions W5

Crossword: Sudoku: Oxdoku: Codeword:

TT23 Week 1 Solutions

Sudoku: By Lewis Callister Word Slide: By Lewis Callister Cryptic Crossword: By Sarah Beard

TT23 Week 0 Solutions

Sudoku Answers: Wordsearch: Cryptic Crossword:

HT23 Week 7 Solutions

Solutions for the last batch of puzzles in Hilary term 2023. The puzzle team would like to apologise for 5 down, where the answer...

HT23 Week 5 Solutions

Here's the solution for the cryptic crossword for week 5.

HT23 Week 3 Solutions

The solutions for the week 3 issue of Cherwell in HT23.

HT23 Week 1 Solutions

The answers for the week 1 issue of Hilary term 2023:

HT23 Week 0 Solutions

Here are the solutions for puzzle section of the first issue of Hilary 2023.

Puzzles Answers: TT22 Week 0

Here are the answers for the week 0 edition of Trinity term 2022. Medium Sudoku: Hard Sudoku: Cryptic Crossword: Pencil Puzzle - Marupeke: The answer for the Cherdle...

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