Thursday, March 6, 2025


Cherubs Grow On Trees: Atmospheric student filmmaking

Making short films is hard. You have anything between two and 20 minutes to tell a compelling story. As an audience member, they can often feel unsatisfying. However, for...

Cheap cashmere in freezing February

Cashmere is a luxury fibre, warm in winter, sustainable, but you may have been...

5 top tips to stay toasty and trendy this winter

As frosty winter winds swept through Oxford at the start of term, you would...

Doubts on Banksy

What is so enticing – and infuriating – about this mystery man’s slapdash approach to political commentary?

Daft Punk’s ‘Random Access Memories’: A Tenth Anniversary Retrospective

'What is there in our current pop landscape that could possibly have its roots in Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories?'

Hooked on Hooks? Thoughts on the current crochet craze

"Whether you are a crochet novice or a hardened hooker, here are my top five tips for crocheters."

Ready For Takeoff: My Little Airport and the Hong Kong Indie Scene

Hong Kong indie, like the city, has plenty of gas left in the tank.

Why food?

Put your money together with a few friends, buy a whole chicken, and whack in some potatoes, chorizo and onion for a super low-budget, ridiculously low-effort, delicious feast.

Rabelais’s Gargantua: Formulating Free Will in the Twenty-First Century

"It can feel, at times, that various sources are all fighting to influence you. Not Rabelais."

AD: Oxford Town & Gown Boy

A novel by Jonah West

Review: Punk

"Overall, Punk was fun. It was light-hearted when it needed to be, and at other points rich and profound."

Give a Book, Give a Smile!

"If it were up to me, I would make every day International Book Giving Day."

The Source, HT23, Week 5

Featuring poetry from Nicole Gibbons and Charlotte Lai.

Dressing for the Job

"We deserve a standardised law that demands equality and consistency in the workplace instead of hoping that employers deign to allow comfortable, practical alternatives to old-fashioned suits and gendered dichotomies."

‘Originality is overrated, but we do it anyway’ Creativity in Cosplay

"There is something freeing in making art which has no commercial value"

‘This House’: An Interview with the Cast and Crew

"As a play which I suppose relishes the grubby reality of politics instead of just putting politicians in the pillory for their inconsistencies and failures, it’s one that really appreciates it."

Frankenstein and Me

"The important ethical issues and imaginative storytelling are more than enough to stimulate your mind in the middle of a dreary academic workload."

The Death and Resurrection of Z-Library

"Z-Library opened up doors for people who were barred by too many locked doors."

Of Libraries, With Love

"Here we are in a city of libraries, and it is never enough."

Backstage interview: the creatives behind Bare

"So few shows put a queer love story in the spotlight, it’s really relatable and it’s so empowering to see it take centre stage."

The 2023 Golden Globes: A Fashion Analysis

"As the first of the awards shows of the season, the Golden Globes are the perfect opportunity to dress boldly and make a statement."

The Source, HT23 Week 3

"You are lost and found, and lost again"

Deuteronomy Review: Breath-taking, Heart-stopping, Terrifying

"I will be back tomorrow, and the day after; because if I never see Deuteronomy again it will be the tragedy of my life."

Review: Better Yesterday

"The most important takeaway of Better Yesterday... is ultimately the idea of how the voyeuristic public eye can be damaging to a relationship."

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