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Blog Page 2176

Blues rowing stars in assault tape shame

Boat Club President Nick Brodie has been strongly criticised after he filmed a video of Lightweight Cox Colin Groshong punching an Imperial rower to the ground.

Brodie subsequently posted the video on Facebook and acknowledged that “loads of people have seen it.”

Friends of Blues rowers who were shown the video have branded it “disgusting” and “disgraceful.”

The incident took place during a rowing regatta in Wroclaw, Poland two weeks ago. 8 teams, including one from Imperial College, competed against a Blues boat in the event, which was fully paid for by the Polish organisers.

On the evening of May 11 all of the rowers went on a boat trip with a barbeque and bar. Following this, many of the rowers went on to a club.

The incident occurred in the gentleman’s toilet of the club. In the build-up to the punch, Groshong was exchanging comments with a rower from Imperial College about St Catz and summer eights.

One witness said it was a “jovial conversation which got heated.” There were “insults from both [and then] it got a bit more personal,” he added.

Nick Brodie, who coxed the winning boat in this year’s Boat Race, said “it was provoked. It was a bit of banter, they were play fighting; they were both winding each other up.”

Cherwell has seen a copy of the video recorded by Brodie on his mobile phone. The first person appears to say “walk away, walk away, walk away motherfucker” before punching the second person.

The victim is knocked to the floor by the punch. He then gets up and asks, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

The first person continues, “You fucking smacked shit out of [insulted] me.” After around thirty seconds of shouting, in which the victim stands facing the camera, the video ends with an unidentified voice saying “Right, Colin, Colin, enough, enough.”

In a statement, Groshong maintained that the attack was not unprovoked. He said, “However it may seem on video , the incident was provoked.”

He did however express regret for his actions. “Although provoked, I should not have reacted in the way that I did and I am very sorry for my actions.

I have never acted so appallingly in my life and I regret that this incident ever occurred. Furthermore, I had no knowledge that this disgusting behaviour of mine was being filmed.”

Following the trip, Nick Brodie put the video online on his Facebook page and tagged a large number of Blues rowers in the video.

The Boat Club President said he wasn’t able to explain his actions. He said, “I don’t really know why I filmed it or why I put it up on Facebook.” The video has subsequently been taken down.

Brodie claims that he thought he’d limited the number of people who could see the video, but admitted that he was aware a lot of people had seen the footage.

He said, “When I put it up I thought I’d restricted it to a certain number of people and it turns out everyone could see it. “

However, he confirmed that he was aware that people at other universities had seen the video and added, “I know loads of people have seen it.” Friends of some of the Blues rowers alleged that the rowers found the video hilarious.

One said, “I think it’s disgusting that they filmed it and that they see it as some kind of amusement. I can accept the fact that this kind of thing happens, it’s just the fact that they put this on the internet.”

Another added, “when I got shown the video the guy who showed me responded with laughter so I walked out of the room feeling pretty disgusted and sickened.”

A large number of comments were posted under the video on Facebook, many from Blues rowers.

In addition, Henry Sheldon, President of the Oxford University Lightweight Rowing Club, wrote on Brodie’s wall, “Thank you for posting that video of Colin, its [sic] considerably brightened up my day in the library. I literally laughed till I cried.”

Brodie replied on Sheldon’s wall, “Its [sic] up there with the funniest things I have ever seen.”

As a result of the incident the Imperial rower received a black eye along with a cut on his cheek.

Friends of Mr Groshong suggested that the incident was out of character.

One Blues rower who wished to remain anonymous said, “He’s not the kind of guy who’d go and get aggressive at all.”

Nick Brodie added that Colin had “never punched anyone ever before.”

Heads must roll

Once, twice, three times a fuck up.


Aldate extends his sincere thanks to HK. Michelmas’ listings brought back happy memories of when OxStu could observe the basic rule of printing the right things on the right pages..


Still, at least you’re not Oxide.

Neighbourhood Watch: OU Orchestra

Friday night’s concert from the Oxford University Orchestra, under the baton of the energetic young conductor Toby Purser, began with a confident swagger, showing the kind of precisely controlled playing for which both have become renowned.

With star turns from flautist Tom Hancox and Tom Brady’s trombone section, Hindemith’s little-known Symphonic Metamorphosis was played with panache and technical assurance.

The second movement, based on a melody from Weber’s music for the play Turandot, was particularly memorable, with all sections of the orchestra clearly relishing Hindemith’s exotic musical colouring.

The players seemed more at home in Elgar’s spectacular Symphony No. 1, which soon found its feet as the hushed introduction gave way to a warm full orchestral tone.

Purser seemed reluctant to let his brass players off the leash in the sinister and martial scherzo, but when he did, the results were impressive.

Despite some passages which felt a little rushed, Purser held musicians and audience alike in rapt attention at the conclusion of the beautifully played slow movement, where solos from leader Gabi Maas and recent BBC Young Musician woodwind finalist Anke Batty (clarinet) were deftly integrated into first-rate string playing.

Elgar said of this Symphony only that ‘there is no programme beyond a wide experience of human life with a great charity (love) and a massive hope in the future.’

Toby Purser and OUO took an enthusiastic audience through the composer’s complex musical world.

In less than an hour, we were led from introspection to melancholy and grandeur in music-making which few will forget in a hurry.

Andy Burrows – The colour of my dreams

So, a solo album from a member of Razorlight… oh great, what on earth could that entail: a ridiculous overblown pile of trouserwank; some pretentious, overproduced, sell out excuse for another large pay-cheque?  Or has he made a thirteen minute acoustic record raising money and awareness for Naomi House Children’s Hospice?

I say, that paragraph jumped a little. But seriously, a short charity record is exactly what Andy Burrows has released. Indeed, a charity record with the lyrics taken directly from the children’s poetry of Peter Dixon, with the longest track clocking it at just under two minutes. No shit.

Admirable, innovative and hardly what this reviewer expected, but is it any good? Well, it’s simplistic and occasionally repetitive, but actually, it is.  Good, I mean. Burrows showcases a rather beautiful melodious voice and an ability to turn someone else’s words into some delightful and memorable tunes.


The album is chock full of joyful, bouncy, melodic ditties; indeed title track, ‘The Colour of my Dreams’ is a fabulously cute child’s eye view of what happiness means in the face of being labelled as a dyslexic. This comes recommended for anyone who needs something quiet, unassuming and distinctly undepressing in the background while working for those big scary exams.


Okay, the lyrics can sometimes be a little much and there isn’t much variety, but in a thirteen minute charity record that’s hardly the point is it? If nothing else it’s a lesson in honest, simple, beautiful music that Johnny Borrell could do with taking a slice of notice of.


In fact he could probably do with noting the vocal quality, imagination and lack of irritating bullshit in general. And let’s face it: if you don’t like this record, you obviously hate children.

The Ting Tings – We started nothing

Tiresome. Uninspiring. Unoriginal. Just some of the words that have been used to describe me over the years, but ones that could equally well be applied to this collection of MOR indie from awfully monikered, in-at-the-moment-but-won’t-be-come-the-next-issue-of-NME, Salford two-piece, The Ting Tings.

Now I’m willing to confess that prior to even listening to the album I’d already formulated that pithy opening in my head. However, after thirty-seven uneventful minutes in the company of these ten songs I felt little compulsion to reconsider.


Their sound inspires unfavourable comparisons to the bland, risk-free sound of bands like The Gossip, replete as they are with the same lacklustre attempts at choppy beats, catchy melodies and girl-punk candour.


Even when they try for something a little sweeter the best they can muster is the nauseating sub-Lily Allen ‘Traffic Light’ which is close to unbearable. Katie White’s vocals are pretty unassuming and often unassumingly pretty, which makes for particularly unconvincing effect when she tries to channel her inner rock-bitch during the functionless funk of ‘Shut Up and Let Me Go’.


Admittedly latest single ‘That’s Not My Name’ has been rattling round my cranium for the past couple of days, but honestly that’s not much to go by – I’ve also had the jingle from the ‘I Love Horses Magazine’ advert stuck in my head lately.


Ultimately this is just another offering from the endless cavalcade of identikit indie-poppers that are shoved down the ever grateful gullets of the credibility-seeking scene flitterers that devour this kind of stuff with relish, only to shortly thereafter excrete it into the void without a second thought, greedily awaiting the next musical morsel.


And for that reason I pity them but not quite as much as I would do, had they not produced an album quite so depressingly forgettable. Harumph.


One star. 

Interview: Johnny Flynn

Let’s get the adulation out of the way first. Johnny Flynn – blue-eyed boy of twee folk pop – is very, very, very good-looking. Fortunately, ours is a telephone interview, so I am confident of my ability to sport a coldly professional air.

More fortunately still, this proves to be unnecessary. He turns out to also be very, very, very nice. I thaw, and we chat.

The singer, who will continue to tour the UK throughout May with his band The Sussex Wit, says that music has become a pretty much full-time occupation since he finished his last run with the RSC last July, though confesses that there hasn’t been much time for indulging in rock & roll trappings.

The band have been kept busy with shows and with the recording of their first album, out later this month. On top of this, they are good friends with most of the other key players in that lovely London scene of almost-folk – Noah and the Whale, Slow Club, Jeremy Warmsley, ETC. He used to live with Jeremy Warmsley, actually.

These friendships do not, apparently, herald the appearance of a new, violin-toting ‘Bloomsbury Group’ equivalent – imposed identities, he says crossly, are not helpful – but they do mean that everyone plays on everyone else’s records. Which leaves even less time for smashing up hotel rooms.

I ask Johnny whether any particular ‘creative routine’ lies behind his music. He says it’s more of an organic process – he’ll come to the band with a song and a melody, and they’ll work out each separate part at the same time as they record.

It means that when each song is complete, it has a distinct set of associated feelings and emotions, arising from the day and place and mood of its creation. A lot of these feelings are centred around his kitchen table, he says.

I tell him that I like listening to his music while I hang up the washing, and he laughs, and replies that what he likes about taking his songs on tour is the opportunity to colour those associated sensations in each song by removing it from that particular place of creation and airing it elsewhere. I laugh too, because that’s almost a laundry pun.

When I ask him to explain how he thinks this music that evokes such particular memories for him translates into similar feelings in his listeners, he ums. Then he says that it’s like ‘some common consciousness’.

He makes the songs to please himself, but it stands to reason that some of the things he like will also please other people. I assure him that this is the case, indulging in a little more adulation before we say goodbye.

1968 did not take place

                                                                                                                           Picture: Claire Little


I can’t help but think that this whole 1968 exhibition is nothing but a huge, marketed, branded, pre-packaged cliché.  It is so very Southbank, so very Verso, so very liberal left.  If the Guardian has reviewed it, they probably love it.


Why? Because anything exhibited at the Hayward brings with it a kind of love-hate guilt-trip, a ‘what will happen if someone finds out?’ appeal about it. It’s like the Starbucks Latte.  It’s creamy, it’s frothy, it’s warm and it soothes. Even better, it’s Fairtrade.


Yet at the same time, it’s a white coffee (so imperialist and non-Left Bank) and is made by a multinational corporation who, despite their greatest efforts to convince us otherwise, have destroyed all hopes of local business flourishing. How to reconcile the ‘Free Palestine’ regalia and the green-tailed siren? Just don’t buy a Frappucino.  You’re saving the ice caps, right?

The environment aside, the Hayward is cool. And that’s why it’s fitting that a new exhibition of posters from the 1968 revolts in Paris should be put on there. I couldn’t think of anywhere better. In many ways the Hayward epitomises ‘New London’ – of which the Southbank is the epicentre.  Here is a clash of the urban and the conceptual; the ‘60s meets the 21st century.


I am talking about the difference between sixties war-crimes which supposedly count as architecture (the BFI, the Royal Festival Hall, etc), and the new Southbank Centre and accompanying Hayward Gallery. The clash is strangely epitomised by that random skatepark which sits next to Centre, just underneath the walkway.


I’ve always wondered how that popped up, and why there always people there. I remember asking my dad as a child: ‘Why aren’t those men at work?’ I was a naïve soul.

So, why would the Hayward make a fuss about some ’68 posters? Well, it’s forty years on, as if I needed to remind you after the million and one supplements, special editions and culture spreads about ‘1968 and all that.’


How many old-time reactionary socialists have been dragged away from the non-existent picket line, from the long-abandoned factories, to comment on ’68? They’ve been waiting for this for forty years. No doubt Chomsky, Zizek, Eagleton et al. wrote their ‘reactions’ about ten years ago, when postmodernism got a bit boring and there was nothing conceptual left to critique.


But now that 2008 has come along, they can lift the lid of the dustbin of history, accustom their eyes to the harsh light of the twenty-first century and furtively make a list of all the contradictions they can feast their eyes on in their Moleskine notebooks.


So the Hayward has got together a pretty wide collection of these posters. And they are impressive. They are striking. In fact, I got a real sense of being there. It must have been the Hendrix and Dylan playing. It must have been those grainy photos – instilling within me a feeling of fraternity with my fellow étudiants. A single sentiment grew within me: a feeling of contrariety, of rebellion.


The slogans enveloped me: ‘La Lutte Continue’ (the struggle continues) with a pumping wall of a fist resounds throughout the exhibition; symbols representing the police state with ‘Pour la violence, la haine et la repression’ (For violence, hate and repression) scrawled in black and white lettering.


For it was this lutte contre le cancer gaulliste which drove thousands against the police in the streets of Paris. The photos prove it. It must have happened.

Immediately striking is the sense of immediacy which characterises all the art on display, even forty years on. An impression of urgency thumps out of the canvas, as if one of the huge fists had burst forth from it aand given me a good shake, before proceeding to stick its middle finger up at me. 


And this in many ways reflects the apparent spirit of the movement – the urgency was real as the posters were rushed off presses in the ateliers populaires and onto the walls of the Sorbonne.


The artist, in this sense, becomes a kind of guerrilla operative; the art of flyposting no longer means putting up posters for ‘Sex on the Beat’ next to cashpoints, or advertising the Trinity garden play in the KA. Instead, it becomes a cloak and dagger movement – the steadfast of the bicycle riding, baguette wielding anti-fascist brigade.


Nonetheless, it’s important that I felt a ‘real sense of being there’. Because I don’t have a clue what it was like to be there. All I have to go on are the numerous accounts, poster exhibitions, The Beatles’ ‘Revolution’ and Dylan’s shameless publication of his song lyrics.


And yet I was convinced, on walking out of the Hayward, that I had ‘been there’. I could relate. I had felt the urgency of the cause, and soaked up the atmosphere of ’68. I was a Child of the Revolution, in the purely T-Rexian sense.


Yet I am a member of an entirely different generation. I am by no means a soixante-huiter. Even my parents were only 7 at the time.  So what was it that made me feel so alive?

It appears to me that the exhibition, for all its glory, for all its good faith, is a clear example of the relationship and fine line between revolutionary art and propaganda. The posters, with their bold, iconic images and unequivocal messages, are hard hitting. They are direct, like the action they propose.


And while they may have been convincing when they were stuck up on the walls of the Sorbonne forty years ago, today they have but one function: the perpetuation of a myth of ’68, and all its associated peripheries.


There are several reasons for this – and, at the centre, is the very basis of the poster itself: the image, the nature of which has changed dramatically over the last forty years. Today is the day of the electronic image – there is no way getting around this.  Online advertising, forums, downloadable media, podcasts, RSS feeds, YouTube politics: all are the lynchpins of the technological revolution, and all influence and feed the 21st century opinion.


So for these posters to have any real effect, they’ll have to go online, or at least be marketed on electronic billboards. The exhibition will have to be made into a YouTube music-video montage (‘La Lutte Continue’ with a mish-mash of Dylan and Hendrix). And then, for full effect, Justice will have to do an electro remix. The day it is played in Eclectric will be the first day of the revolution.


And why is this? Because the image has become a commodity. I can’t walk to the Taylorian without being bombarded by a thousand images: advertising and marketing has appropriated all ‘space’. Forty years ago, in a massive reversal, this ‘space’ was the commodity, to be used as a means to a revolutionary end by students and workers alike.


This is why the posters worked, this is why they stirred, this is why they moved people to action. Not so today.  With posters and images all over town, the popular protest has changed direction: the revolution has sold up, packed up and moved from the Faculty wall to the Facebook wall.


So, the Hayward’s collection doesn’t really do a great deal, apart from give a false picture of popular protest. It makes a myth of ’68 and turns it into the herald of a golden age. Now detached from any real significance, the image of ’68 is the spectre no longer haunting Europe. It is pure surface – just giving a quick-fix sensual effect, before being shooed away.

I’ve always held that the single thing which makes or breaks an art gallery is its gift shop. So, before consigning ’68 to the dustbin of history, let’s see what’s on offer. We have the usual: the memento rubber, pencil and sharpener set – this time complete with pumping fist; this is the stationary which will topple the order, or at least rub it out, and rewrite its literature. We also have ‘copies’ of the posters, at £50 a pop. Baudrillard, anyone?

But most entertaining are two gifts in particular. The first, a Converse sneaker, complete with the ‘La Lutte Continue’ image on the reverse side to the Converse emblem. Never before have I seen such an incredible representation of this appropriation of space.


In a single revolutionary sweep, the left has appropriated the means of production and redistributed its literature upon the stamping ground of the capitalist regime! Or they’ve just sold out.

The second are the Peace Dolls, made from 100 per cent biodegradable material, and a snatch at £9.99. These ‘Peace Dolls’ probably come complete with a ‘peace scarf’, organic snacks and a free one year trial membership to Hezbollah – get yours while stock piled nuclear arms last.


You can imagine my disappointment when I couldn’t find the ’68 Action Man – complete with stones, placard, a copy of Sartre: A Guide for the Perplexed and a jump suit, ready for quick escape when the fascist pig policeman comes to drag him to servitude (all made from organic produce by collectivist workers in South America, or back issues of ‘New Internationalist’ and ‘Red Pepper’, and carbon neutral, of course).

But enough railing for now. I suppose what really emerges from the Hayward Exhibition is this: that ’68 has become nothing more than a myth. It has been used by the intellectual liberal left, forty years on, for a specific end: the proliferation of discussion about the counter culture, about the nature of revolt.


For old time trade unionists, ’68 has become revolution – the real McCoy. Any deviation from this is reactionary, in their eyes. In actual fact, the myth they have created will haze the direction of any real action.


So is the exhibition worth the time of day, and, if so, what’s the point?  Firstly, yes, it is worth a look. For all its inauthenticity, for all its harking to a golden age, the posters do serve an important point: they show the importance of resistance, and the power of the popular voice. So long as ’68 is appreciated as a historical phenomenon, and not drawn upon for future action, all will be well.

For all his irrelevance, Dylan was right in one case: the times they are a changing. If we’re going to play his records over images of ’68, we should really take heed of his message. By all means, go along to the numerous ’68 conferences. Read the special issues of New Statesman, Prospect, and so on.


Just don’t reminisce.  If you do, imagine the fist popping out of the canvas and giving you a shake. And then, before it has the chance, stick your middle finger up at it. It’s probably for the best.

Shorts in the North

Lenin was being re-waxed. Well, they will tell you that he wasn’t and that the body is real, but others say that his head fell off some time ago, and the great revolutionary is actually a Madame Tussauds rip-off.

Whatever the truth, his body had been whisked off from its place in Red Square and was either being injected with lots of embalming liquid or dipped in some industrial-sized vat of Communist wax. And to think I just wanted to thank the man for his contribution to my history course, which, to be honest, would be so much sparser without his happy trip to the Finland Station.

Russia has played a big part in my life, and it was time to pay the place a visit. Being born in Eastern Europe and studying in a school named after Pushkin, the giant of Russian poetry, meant that it was time to experience the gaudy mix of the great Russian soul, although no-one seems quite sure what that involves right now.

Well, at least at a first glance it involves mullets. And I don’t mean the fish. You possibly didn’t believe that mullets were still an acceptable hairstyle. Thanks to a certain pop star called Dima Bilan, they are in Russia. The streets of Moscow are full of mullets, in amongst all the dust, grand boulevards and cars.

There is a certain vanity amongst many young Muscovites who, unable to resist a shiny, polished shop window, just have to turn and check themselves out. A group of 15 teenage girls did just that outside the hostel I stayed at and nearly tumbled into the opening of an underpass. I think this may answer a few questions about the demographic crisis in the country.

That said, there is a special charm about the biggest city in Europe, something that you won’t find in St. Petersburg. Moscow is the mix of Europe and Asia; all the influences that define the country.

The onion-domed churches testify to the European influence that stretches through Byzantium and arguably back to Rome, prompting some Russians to see the city as the third Rome. The Kremlin’s battlements bear the influence of the East.

The Soviet architecture helps – many of the grand boulevards are lined with blocks of flats that have little to do with the drab tower blocks that ‘Soviet’ conjures up – classical columns, large facades, arches.

It’s all pretty exciting, especially if they have a supermarket underneath where you can stock up on Russian favourite suyroks – an outer layer of chocolate, something like cream cheese inside it and then a core of whatever flavour you have chosen: blueberry, vanilla or even potato.

But you can read about Moscow in any guide, really, so I won’t bore you. You’ve seen the pictures, you’ve heard the tales. What you won’t have heard is, for example, somewhere like Yaroslavl’. The town is situated on the Volga, about four hours to the north-east of Moscow by train.

Four hours in ‘obshtiy klass’, the collective carriages are, I shan’t lie, an uncomfortable experience. But in Yaroslavl’ I had the chance to experience a bit more of authentic Russian life – a babushka! A breathing, talking, cooking, smiling babushka!

It was a good day, not least because of the meals that she put on. Word of advice – when going to Russia, break into one of their apartments and make them give you home-made kompot. Well, maybe knock rather than break in.

Yaroslavl’ is different. Despite being the size of Liverpool, it has a more provincial feel (and yes, this does mean yet more mullets.) It also has more soldiers than Moscow – which is a surprise, given how many there were in the capital in the first place. Uniforms everywhere – there was a military band trying to tune up on a corner, though I didn’t wait around to hear them.

The place is also full of churches, everywhere you turn. The town was a capital of Russia for a while, and also the second biggest city before Peter the Great built his new capital in 1703. There is a small Kremlin, impressive cathedrals, and of course the Volga.

Europe’s biggest river is, well, big. And dirty. On closer inspection it seems a curious mix of brown and purple with interesting rainbow splatters floating past you. Pretty.

What is really beautiful though, is the price of beer. A quick trip to the supermarket reveals bottles of two and a half litre for about fifty five roubles. At an exchange rate of about forty two roubles to the pound, you can do the math. Basically it equals lots of Russians with lots of bottles in their hands.

Surprisingly, they seem to function fine. Not many places would tolerate the sight of a woman ambling along with her little child, all the while sipping from a bottle of Baltika 3 – but in Russia, it’s a matter of course.

The remnants of old times are also absolutely great. There are not only statues of Lenin and hostels named after him, but bars called USSR and Che. I recommend the latter – good milkshakes and those excellent radios you’d expect to see in Cuba circa Castro’s rise to power. It was all my dreams come true.

And then there was the weather! Sunny. Hot. Un-British. Bizarre. Russia is really not what you’d expect.
Of course there are horror stories. The visa application process can be a nightmare. The country is rising again and is starting to challenge the legacy of Yeltsin’s years, which is of course disconcerting to the West. The KGB simply changed its letters. But there are horror stories everywhere.

Russia also has charm, culture and history. A country that gave humanity Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy or Pushkin can be excused for giving us Dima Bilan (well, we will be subjected to him sometime in early May when Eurovision comes around).

Moscow may be dusty but it is also grand and breath-taking. The Volga may seem like a big oil-slick, but it is also serene. People do not carry wires. The police ignore you. A babushka may even feed you.

And for all that you should give it a go, even if Lenin is being re-waxed. Wearing shorts in Churchill’s ‘riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma’ is a good barometer of our new Cold War.

Interview: Michael Palin

Maybe I could join an all-male voice choir,’ muses Palin – and is on the point of elaborating when the harassed-looking photographer hovering nearby finally pounces and bundles him into the back of a van. I watch it tear out of Christ Church’s Tom Gate, swerve into the oncoming traffic, and disappear down towards the river. Then I walk off.

This unlikely encounter with a fully operational legend doubtless came on one of Michael Palin’s more mundane days. In Oxford on a flying visit to shoot a few promotional scenes for one of the Vice-Chancellor’s access videos, tea in the Cathedral and a jaunt to the river cannot have ranked highly on his list of colourful exploits.


Author, Python, traveller and film star, Palin has had an asteroid named after him and been assailed by bandits, the Vatican, and student journalists. The weight of his experiences shows in furrows and lines creasing his open face – yet he still exudes vitality and energy. All in all he comes across rather like the kind of wise and ancient tortoise a Polynesian community might once have worshipped.


It is this wizened face which causes me to double take as, carefully negotiating tourists through Christ Church cloisters, I brush past a more elegant duffle coat than usual. Ten minutes later, Palin has been tracked down, and I snatch an interview on the move.

It would hardly be like Palin to remain still. For the past nineteen years this son of Yorkshire has been travelling the world, filming for the BBC, circumnavigating it Phineas Fogg-style in 1989’s Around the World in 80 Days, taking the land-based route from Pole to Pole three years later, going anti-clockwise for 80,000 kilometres around the Pacific in 1996, retracing the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway in 1999, and in this century, taking on the Sahara, the Himalayas, and Eastern Europe.


Palin has visited 85 different countries in the course of his travels – 86 if you’re counting Bosnia and Herzegovina as two – and written nearly 375 best-selling coffee table books. ‘The Palin effect’ has played a major part in global tourism; from Cappadocia to Machu Picchu, regions or places featured in his programmes and books have done very well out of the attention.

Certainly this was the intention with Eastern Europe – to open up the old Soviet states to western eyes, and promote everything from understanding to commerce. Yet as the world becomes increasingly aware of the adverse impact of its travel upon the environment, is foreign tourism really what a man as popular as Palin should be advocating?


The question is unfair, and I confess I was too embarrassed to phrase it so bluntly. Palin has, after all, always preferred more traditional methods of travelling – hitchhiking, buses, elephants, smelly trains filled with goats and chickens – the personal experience is improved immeasurably. Yet a certain amount of flying is inevitable? Palin agrees reluctantly, and comes out with a slightly shocking statement.


‘I’m not planning any more adventures any time soon. I’ll be staying close to home – I’ve had enough of airports and departure lounges.’ He cites his bones (the man is 65, remarkably enough) as a more pressing reason than carbon footprints – ‘and of course, I have to edit volume two of my diaries…’


I ask Palin what his next step will be – presumably the hermetic life is not for him? And indeed not; it’s the 90th anniversary of the end of the Great War this November, and Palin has plans to mark it. He admits that ‘history, and especially television history, is a crowded field’ – but this isn’t about to stop him from walking those crowded fields himself.


A series is scheduled for broadcast in November, shot in France and Belgium. Fewer exotic locations, perhaps, than on previous outings, but Palin is clearly deeply affected by the work; his brow furrows even further, and he talks more sombrely about the tragedies of war – yet more animatedly too.


The project has certainly grasped both his imagination and his conscience. And he has something like the requisite training; he read History at Brasenose back in the early ’60s. It was there that he struck up a fruitful comic partnership , writing for Cherwell no less.


He points out that ‘I had a comedy column going for ages with Robert Hewison,’ the man who pushed him into comedy as a career. But did he ever read the rest of the paper? ‘Of course – I read Cherwell avidly. Before wrapping my chips in it!’


Irrepressible as ever, we clearly haven’t seen the last of Palin yet. His personal ambitions are yet to be fulfilled – I ask him if there’s anything that, in such a long and varied life, he still feels the need to achieve. After chuckling contemplatively and talking about other things for a while, he finally comes out with two. Both are as simple and worthy as you’d expect from such a man.


‘I’d love to play trombone in a brass band.’ A noble goal indeed. Perhaps feeling this wish a little too simplistic, and unable to elaborate further, he advances a second desire. ‘More than anything else, I’d like to learn a new language.’


This seems more logical. Having spent the first few decades of his life advancing the boundaries of his own in surrealist and comedic directions, he has spent the past two decades exposed to a bewildering variety of other tongues. But which to choose? Swahili – very useful across Africa? Or something more niche – Mongolian?


No; ‘Something like Welsh.’ Trying not to seem taken aback, I make encouraging noises. But why Welsh? ‘It’s an extraordinarily beautiful language – I heard the most beautiful Welsh song yesterday.’ Palin seems to be exhibiting that whole spur-of-the-moment whim that apparently lies within all great travellers and improvisers.


He continues earnestly, ‘It’s essential to understand the native language to really understand any country,’ logically enough, before pursuing his logic to its inevitable conclusion. ‘I could join an all-male Welsh choir!’ Do I sense another television series in the pipeline? ‘Well, perhaps’, he demurs.


In wrapping up such a piece, it is customary to draw out some unique insight into the interviewee’s psyche. Yet Palin leaves me facing one very stark conclusion: he really is every bit as lovely as we’ve all been led to believe.


Always the housewife’s favourite Python and the very model of a favourite uncle to all, the man is charming, entertaining, interested and humble. It is entirely in keeping that he reveals his favourite Python sketch to be, not something as hackneyed as the Dead Parrot, but the scene towards the end of Life of Brian where he plays the obliging centurion – ‘line on the left, one cross each.’


He seems delighted with the most prosaic of my questions, exclaiming ‘brilliant!’ or ‘aha!’ at each new line of enquiry. Best of all, when asked whether he’d mind being featured on the Icon page, he responded, with the greatest sincerity you could possibly wish for, ‘how lovely!’

Modern art is rubbish

On Little Clarendon Street, there’s an art shop. In the window, there’s a framed, printed target. Above the target are the words ‘the first printed target’.

As if you weren’t already gripped by the staggering sub-fucking-versiveness, it’s followed by a question mark. And beneath that’s the price tag: two grand.

When I get older, I’m going to sell art, because it’s the easiest job in the world. My first piece will be a centimetre-wide green triangle on an eleven-foot white canvas. I’ll call it ‘War’.

Just in case you aren’t gripped by the staggering sub-fucking-versiveness, I might add a question mark (‘What is “war,” anyway?’).

When I get to the dealers, I’ll tell them it was drawn by an autistic Colombian genius over five months, at one dot per day. It’ll sell for forty grand.

Art today is idiocy made expensive. I don’t mean to generalise, but it all is, so I will. Take Banksy. Now, he’s seen as the aerosol Messiah at the cutting edge of the forefront of tomorrow.

But he’s rubbish; a more irritating equivalent of a stoned friend at a party asking the toaster why the world can’t just get along.

He can’t sneeze without someone bidding on the snot, but everything he does boils down to ‘capitalism is bad’, or ‘war isn’t nice.’

I’ve spent the last week building a Random Banksy Generator – when I press the button, I get ‘art’. The first one’s of 9/11, except instead of the planes, there’s cups of Starbucks, and from the fiftieth floor, Mickey Mouse is crying.

The Statue of Liberty is crouched in an orange Guantanamo jumpsuit, and the flames are made of Britney Spears. What does this actually mean? Nothing much, but I hear it pays well.

Some people once genuinely thought that art is a reflection of the self. Of course, we’ve all forgotten this now, and all we have now is contrived ‘points’ with pretend ‘depth’, the artist’s job being to look slightly cleverer than you do.

Look at any student poetry magazine, and you’ll see my point. Here’s one poem: it’s written upside down, every ninth word is in Danish, and the sentences start with full stops.

It’s called ‘Dubya?’, and if you don’t get it, you’re a philistine.

Yet at the end of it, we’ve learned nothing about either the author or ourselves. It’s hardly art at all; and if so many bereted dustbrains fall down in worship, more fool them.

Oxford’s brim-filled with these types, it seems, who think that writing with a pin and a dictionary make them ‘postmodern’. But they’ve forgotten that art is about the emotion and the message.

We’re sliding towards Banksy’s cold, pretentious idiocy, when I’d actually give anything for a little feeling.