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Reformation Defamation

Jack Orlick reports on the recent spate of bands reunited.Music, they say, is like a chicken. It can be particularly bland when served with the wrong sauces. So you head to the old rack in the corner of the room – cumin, tarragon, ginger, baby, sporty, posh and scary. Funny – the last five were full the other day. Now they’re empty. Break down in tears – the world is once again Spiceless.It was reported last month that the Spice Girls have split again, apparently down to the argumentative nature of five such unpalatable flavours. Mels B and C are said to have stated simply, ‘We’ve had enough’, while Victoria Beckham has cited her ever-growing presence in the fashion world. This news may have been on the cards for a while (news of trouble and strife has been pervading Heat for months), and it not only spells the crushing of dreams by those fans in South Africa, Australia and China, but also, following the disappearances of both East 17 and All Saints, an end to the spate of reunion tours to have cut hot (or rather fairly lukewarm) inroads through the musical world in the last year or so.The real musical rooster roasters have been not the 90s pop bands, who have in fact come rather late to the scene, but the older rock bands. The Rolling Stones seem to have had so many ‘very last’ tours, and ‘very very last’ concerts it’s likely that they’ll have to force Mick Jagger into the grave, chomping and spasming in that special way of his before we’ve seen the end of them. Last November, Led Zeppelin saw 20,000 greased up, aged up, air-guitar masters sliding through the aisles of the O2 arena in London, each paying £125 a ticket. In the last year, nostalgic fans have had the opportunity to experience The Police, Genesis, Van Halen, Smashing Pumpkins and even Crowed House stumble undead across the earths many stages.Why, we ask, have such bands taken it upon themselves to rise again? Cash, of course, would be the cynics answer, yet with such musical luminaries as the Stones and The Police, this just doesn’t hold up: their records still sell like Hassan’s/Hussein’s/Ahmed’s cheesy chips on a Friday night. What’s more likely (and I’m romanticising) is that these bands are made up of people who have a bloody need to perform – junkies of the stage. Their fans, rather than being fellow addicts, are the dealers of their drug: anyone who’s been to see Harmar Superstar (shame on you!) will know that an ‘artist’ is less than nothing without its audience.But exceptions follow every rule, and this is where we return to our 90’s cut-and-paste pop. Various members of Take That have been trying, and failing, to make it as solo acts for years – the same goes for the Spice Girls. Here we see a combination of performance desperation and the drip-drip of money down the drains of Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Attempting to regain the fame and glory of their former lives, they reform – in the case of the Spice Girls, only to once again fall apart. Take That, on the other hand, have been raking in both new fans and sterling coinage- rather than surfing the diminishing wake of their prior success, they’ve managed to identify exactly what it is that mainstream pop is today: a strange combination of classic Beatlesque, rock and, almost, funk. The cohorts of teenage girls who paid their way the first-time-around have grown up, and so, accordingly, has their music. ‘Beautiful World’ has now sold around 202,202,300 in the UK alone, reaching number 1 and going seven times platinum. Worldwide, they’d sold more than three million copies by December 2006. Take That have proven particularly innovative and successful, probably much to the annoyance of their counterparts. They’ve proven that given a good old shake, those tired flavours can still produce a mighty spicy singing sauce. And when reformed bands allow both re-discovery of certain musical styles, while simultaneously re-lighting the hearts of their middle-aged followers, how can we complain? Drab tribute bands just can’t provide the true experience of watching a gang of sexagenarians hop and hobble across the boards. We’ll just have to wait and see, though, if the many personalities of Britney can ever reunite…

LMH students rally behind “well-loved” porter

Lady Margaret Hall’s JCR has passed a motion in support of a college porter asked to step down against his wishes.Having reached the retirement age of 65 Terry Greenwood, a night porter at the College, has been asked to resign, but the JCR has passed a motion calling for the college to extend its employment of him.The motion stated, “This JCR notes that Terry has been a friendly, hospitable and helpful presence in LMH who has made our time here far more pleasant. The JCR believes Terry is a credit to the College and its student body and is fully capable of performing his duties until he himself believes it is time to retire. “The JCR therefore resolves to declare its support for Terry Greenwood and expresses its hope that he can continue to serve LMH and its student body as a Porter for as long as he is willing to continue.”
It was concluded that the JCR president, Marlene Cayoun, would write a letter of support for Mr Greenwood to Bart Ashton, the Domestic Bursar, and Lawrence le Carré, the Head Porter, in collaboration with the MCR president.Commenting on the motion, the JCR president said, “Terry is a wonderful and well-loved member of the college, who is extremely competent at his job. He’s not in any way impaired by his age. We would all be very sorry to see him go, especially as he hasn’t expressed any desire to leave.”Other students spoke of their anger at the College’s decision to dismiss the porter. Third year student Matthew Henshall, said, “There is a lot of anger amongst students here. Terry Greenwood is the best porter in college by far. All of the porters here are good but he is a class apart. He is both caring and compassionate.” Henshall went on to add that Mr Greenwood was “perfectly fit for the job”, attended the LMH gym and that he was very much in support of him.The Domestic Bursar and the Head Porter were unavailable to comment on the situation.
According to employment laws introduced in 2006, although there is a default retirement age of 65, workers have the right to ask their employers to let them stay on at work. In order to prevent retirement being used as cover for an unjustified sacking, bosses must give at least six months’ notice of an individual’s retirement date. by Katherine Hall

Fit College: St John’s vs Univ

St John's… …or Univ?

Hall footballers to meet Worcester in final

St. Edmund Hall 2 – 2 Lady Margaret Hall (St. Edmund Hall won on penalties)
St. Catherine's 0 – 5 Worcester Talismanic goalkeeper Nicola Ielpo once again took Teddy Hall to victory as they sneaked into the Cuppers final, courtesy of a penalty shoot-out victory against LMH on Friday. LMH will certainly feel hard done by after outplaying Hall for large chunks of this absorbing encounter. In a game that at times lacked quality, they acquitted themselves admirably, twice taking the lead against Hall, only to be pegged back both times, with defensive lapses costing them dear. The dogged Hall side, who have won three out of their last four Cuppers matches on penalty shoot-outs, will now face top of the table Worcester at Iffley road in Cuppers Final in 8th week. LMH entered the game at the top of Division 1, but with the addition of several University players, they looked more than capable of causing an upset to a Teddy Hall side that has gone from strength to strength in the JCR premiership, unbeaten in all competitions since November. It was LMH who made all the early running, taking a deserved lead after twenty minutes of unrelenting pressure. Their giant centre-back rose unmarked at a corner to clatter a header against the bar, and striker Wheeler reacted fastest to nod the ball into the net. Hall’s response was immediate; a slip from the LMH left-back let in Talbot-Smith who took the keeper by surprise, arrowing in off the far post. Despite these two early goals, both sides struggled to settle, with misplaced passes and snatched half chances epitomising the rest of the first half. Talbot-Smith again found room in the LMH penalty area, but his snapshot clipped the post on its way wide; while LMH’s dominance at set pieces was yielding results as Ielpo was kept on his toes throughout. In the second half Tom Wherry’s dominance in the air for LMH, coupled with the tricky wingplay of McCrickerd and Allchin, meant that Teddy Hall at times found themselves penned in their own half, with Wilfred Frost looking increasingly isolated up front. A goal seemed imminent and the right foot of Allchin provided it. His composed finish with twenty minutes remaining would have killed off most sides, but Captain John Waldron has instilled a ‘never say die’ attitude in this Hall team, and yet again, when asked the question, their response was swift. Mike Sopp’s through-ball released Talbot-Smith marauding down the right hand side. His cross looked to be too close to goalkeeper Di Capite, but Wilfred Frost’s ‘old fashioned’ challenge caused havoc and in the ensuing melee Frost bundled it over the line to draw the teams level once more. The game was now thrown wide open. Heroic last ditch tackling from Waldron and Lefanu kept the LMH front line at bay, while at the other end a deflected cross from the mercurial Mike Sopp trickled agonisingly wide, with the keeper beaten as time expired. 120 minutes could not separate the sides, and so it went to the agony of a penalty shoot-out. Italian ex-Serie C keeper Nicola Ielpo has an outstanding record in penalty shootouts, and despite picking up an injury in the second half, he saved two LMH spot kicks, to the relief of Hall captain Waldron after his pathetic excuse for a penalty. The enigmatic Talbot-Smith then stepped up to nonchalantly stroke the decisive penalty home, to send Teddy Hall into the final. In the other semi-final, Premiership title contenders Worcester had a comfortable 5-0 victory over St Catz. Blues striker Niko de Walden had effectivley guaranteed the victory for the Premier Division giants within the first twenty minutes with two goals. Kunal Desai added a third on the stroke of half time. Two second half goals from Tim Grady and Danny Plaxton added further gloss to the scoreline, but a young Catz side will be all the better for the experience of competing at such a level as they seek to build for next season in the Premier Division.by Ben Cossey


Thomas Barrett finds Blade Runner dull and horribleFirst off, I’m not that much of a sci-fi fan. Shiny lasers and bizarre costumes are all well and good – in moderation. But, being open minded and all that, I was chuffed when I got Blade Runner for Christmas. I mean, everyone’s heard of that, haven’t they? And everyone loves it lots. I’m assuming that’s because they’ve never actually seen it.For those who have so far managed to get through life without seeing Blade Runner, the plot centres on Harrison Ford, who is a detective hunting a wayward gang of replicants: biologically-engineered machines which look human but actually aren’t. Or are they? And that’s the whole central question of the film – what is it to be human? This is certainly an interesting question, especially so when we meet a replicant which thinks she is human, due to memories implanted in her head by her creator. But really, it’s hard to care, simply because the film is just so damn dull.Admittedly, it picks up towards the end and even has a rather dramatic fight, but that’s a poor reward for making it that far. Up until then the film moves at a snail’s pace, all arty lighting and atmospheric shots. It looks nice, but I like films to have something engaging going on. There’re only so many times you can think ‘oooo, that looks pretty’ before the novelty wears off. And then there’s the soundtrack. It is one of the worst I’ve ever heard. Horrible, horrible, synthesisers and a cheesy sax. Just no. The fact that the soundtrack is frequently held up as one of the best things about Blade Runner should tell you all you need to know.If I liked sci-fi I’d probably enjoy the movie more, but as it is I just get more pissed off. All the typical clichés make an appearance. For example, in sci-fi films, why are there always lots of Asian scripts written all over the cities? Is this to demonstrate the effects of globalisation, or, more likely, to present some kind of geek utopia where their unhealthy obsession with Japan is finally rewarded? Add in the crappy flying cars, silly computer systems (I know the film’s old, but I half expected Pong to appear on the screens) and bizarre cityscapes, and you have some kind of bizarre near parody of a sci-fi film. Blade Runner is a bit of a trend-setter for sci-fi films, so I really can’t blame it for being shamelessly ripped off by others. Instead I’ll blame it for inflicting all these horrible stock features on the innocent world of cinema. Just another reason to dislike it, really.

Oxford fail to turn round Varsity

The Oxford cross-country cyclists have had little success in their Varsity race in recent years, but had good reason to hope for a win in Sunday’s event. They were very familiar with the race-venue, Marcie Reinhart seemed very likely to win the women’s race again, and Richard Callow had a good chance in the men’s competition. On the other hand, the Cambridge riders had been riding extremely well in preceding races, including the BUSA cyclo-cross competition. Sunday was a cool and clear day – perfect cycling weather – and since there has been little rain over the past few weeks, the course was unusually free from mud given the time of year. The race was over a 7.3km course; the women raced three laps while the men also rode a fourth. All the participants were delighted by the imaginative, high-speed route, characterised by exciting narrow and twisty paths through dense wood. A particular highlight was the notorious ‘corkscrew’, a tricky section in which the course snakes back and forth across a steep-sided eight foot ditch. Marcie Reinhart came second in the women’s race, just three minutes behind the winner, Cambridge captain Rachel Fenton. Oxford’s Kate Harris finished third, three seconds after Marcie. Richard Callow came second in the men’s race despite twice going over his handlebars, finishing two and a half minutes after Cambridge’s Tom Morris. A special mention is due to Nils Gustafsson, who lost his saddle in a crash in the middle of the first lap, but still managed to complete two and half more laps.by Donald Thomson and William Walton

The Edge of Heaven

The Edge of Heaven
22nd FebruaryAlthough it’s been nominated for the Palme d’Or, you’d be excused if you’d never even heard of this film. A shame really because, despite its faults, it serves up just as worthy a piece of human drama as similarly-themed Oscar-baiting Hollywood fare. The film follows two interweaving plots. The first begins in Germany with Turkish professor Nejat, played with solemn, care-worn intensity by Baki Davrak. It deals with the relationship between him, his father, and a prostitute called Yeter. Her death drives father and son apart, with Nejat returning to his country of birth to look for Yeter’s daughter, Ayten. The second strand focuses on Ayten, an activist forced to flee Istanbul. Ending up in Germany seeking her mother she instead finds Lotte, a student, whom she falls in love with. When Ayten fails to gain asylum and is deported back to Turkey, Lotte’s attempts to help her have tragic consequences.This film is about death.It flags this up by titling the first and second acts as particular characters’ deaths, which rather reduces tension as we can predict the outcomes. However, the crux of the overlapping stories is how loss affects people and ultimately brings them together. It doesn’t yield easy resolutions – the seemingly inevitable meeting of Nejat and Ayten, for instance, is held from us by the director, with their evasions often due only to the narrowest of differences between timelines and journeys. There are weaknesses. The contrivances, a staple of this ‘Short Cuts’ style of cinema, often stretch believability and credibility, and the parallels between the characters’ conflicts and those between Turkey and Germany are heavy-handed. But the film still remains a reasonably effective look at death, family, grief and passion, and how they unite us all.       
by Harry Thompson

Exeter to spend £6.5m on new graduate accommodation

Exeter College is to spend £6.5 million on expanding Iffley Road accommodation for its graduate students. The College’s proposals to build the new student housing were passed on Wednesday by Oxford City Council’s Planning Authorities. As a result Exeter will be able to house its 106 graduate students in College-owned accommodation. Currently only 41 of Exeter’s graduate students live at Exeter House – the accommodation block on the Iffley Road site – as first years are given priority when allocating from the limited number of rooms. The new buildings will be completed by October 2009, and existing accommodation will undergo refurbishment, scheduled to be completed by 2010. The plans to extend and renovate existing accommodation have been welcomed by students. MCR President Sara Adams said, “College has been very open to feedback on what we, as graduates at Exeter College, want and what we think prospective students will be looking for in accommodation. Information on plans was released to the graduate community early in the planning stage, and since then our opinions have been listened to and considered. I think it’s important for Colleges to pay attention to their students’ opinions, and I feel Exeter is setting a good example here.”Another Exeter graduate student and former resident of Exeter House said that the College’s plans to redevelop accommodation are much needed. They said, “The new accommodation will benefit everyone as current graduate accommodation is absolutely terrible.  Up until now, College has only been able to make superficial changes. I think it’s good that they’re taking action at last, it’s long overdue.”Exeter College Bursar Eric Bennett said, “We are building a new building of flats with a range of two to seven bedrooms. We also plan to build a lodge between the two existing Georgian buildings as at present there is no reception area. This will have a lounge and a common room where people can sit. There will also be another, quiet common room. “The only things being knocked down are the later add-ons to a Victorian schoolhouse of which at present all that is visible is the bell tower. The new building will be in the back garden of 235 Iffley Road, the house we’ve just bought, which is next-door to Exeter House.”Bennett denied that the plans, which were first conceived last summer, had been prompted by complaints about the standard of existing accommodation. He said, “The proposals were inspired by the fact that Exeter does not, at present, house enough of its graduates. We do not have any building space at the Turl Street site and so have undertaken to develop the Iffley Road location.”
by Sarah Fleming

My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights
22nd FebruaryNora Jones makes her big screen debut in this indie road trip movie directed by China’s Wong Kar-wai, also making his debut in American cinema. She’s soulful, beautiful and unassuming, but unfortunately not much more, except maybe quieter – never a good sign for a singer. Sadly for Jones, she’s starring in a film with a wide variety of consistently superb secondary characters. David Strathairn (Good Night and Good Luck) is back with a poignant bang, while Natalie Portman is her usual versatile and flawless self. Even Jude Law is watchable, despite his decidedly unsteady attempt at a Manchester accent, and when Rachel Weisz walks into a room, she sets it on fire.The fact that Wong co-wrote the film may have something to do with the script discrepancies – apparently no one explained that what might sound great in a Chinese proverb sounds dangerously like verbal diarrhoea in English. Then there’s the inconclusive plot, with its disjointed narratives that aren’t quite short enough to be episodes, and aren’t quite coherent enough to form a single storyline. The aforementioned acting is one redeeming feature; the cinematography is another. The America of Wong’s imagination is the America of the half-forgotten road trip, of Jim Jarmusch’s Mystery Train and Percy Adlon’s Baghdad Cafe, and though it may not be relevant, it is captivatingly beautiful at times.The bright colours and intensely personal close-ups are reminiscent of a ‘coffee table’ book of arty photographs, while the movement and flickering light seem to reveal the mind’s registering of detail rather than the camera’s glare. It’s all topped off with Ry Cooder’s brilliant soundtrack, full of funky double bass and soulful songbirds – possibly the film’s greatest strength.My Blueberry Nights leaves one with a feeling of limbo, and the idea that people can’t live with or without each other, forever on the move, but it’s definitely worth a peek if you can forgive its minor faults and major quirks.

Worcester feel the heat as Anne’s turn it up

Oriel 3 – 6 St. Anne'sThere’s barely room to breathe at the top of the Premiership after the latest results, as St Anne’s recorded a stylish victory over Oriel to pile the pressure upon reigning champions Worcester. Having battled to a win against Brasenose on Monday, Anne’s are doing all they can to take this season down to the wire. This was the return fixture between these teams, Anne’s having beaten Oriel 4-1 at home last week, and the game followed a very similar pattern, as Anne’s once again burst into an unassailable first-half lead. After an attacking opening from both teams, Robbie MacDonald started the scoring with a goal seemingly out of nothing, Border’s perfectly weighted through pass unlocking the defence for the winger to steer the ball past the keeper. A second soon followed, again from Mac- Donald, though this time with more than a touch of good fortune, his angled shot deflecting wickedly past a stranded keeper after a powerful run down the left. Anne’s showed no sign of slowing down, switching the ball around quickly to add a stylish third with twenty minutes gone. Simon Oscroft, not usually known for his attacking prowess, was crucial to this move: his buccaneering run down the left was followed by a slick interchange with Border and then a pass into the feet of George Kynaston, who swivelled onto his left foot before firing home. Ten minutes later, Anne’s added a fourth. Border’s dummy dragged the Oriel defence apart, leaving Kynaston in acres of space to whip the ball across goal towards winger Ben Levy, who coolly played it into the path of the onrushing Border. His finish crashed emphatically home off the underside of the bar, capping a terrific opening half hour for the visitors. Before the break Oriel deservedly pulled one back, Hoare’s crisply chipped pass cutting out the entire Anne’s defence, inch-perfect for Wilson, who made no mistake with a cool low finish one-on-one. At half-time Anne’s led 4-1. The second half began much as the first had, with both sides committed to stylish passing games that made for some very attractive football. After around twenty minutes a clattering tackle left Anne’s midfielder Stu Clark with a possible leg break. The resulting free kick was hacked away for a corner, but Anne’s failed to add another goal. Anne’s then relaxed too soon, and paid the price within seconds as Oriel grabbed one back. Wilson was again the scorer, but this time as a result of shoddy defending after Anne’s failed to clear their lines from a deep freekick. In the ensuing scramble Wilson stabbed home to keep the game alive as a contest at 5-2. Oriel began to apply some real pressure, as a tiring Anne’s became pegged further and further back in their own half. Wilson could have had a third with a volley from a corner, and several St. Anne’s defenders had to put their bodies on the line to make brave blocks as the home side threatened. At last, with ten minutes left, MacDonald made the game completely safe, completing his hat-trick with panache as he curled a 25-yarder over the Oriel keeper and into the top corner. Oriel scored a consolatory third in the dying seconds via a scrappy goal from Thomas Webb. With only two games left, against New College and Teddy Hall, only six points will do for Anne’s, and even then they are reliant upon Worcester dropping at least four points from their last four games. But the pressure is on. Either Worcester or Teddy Hall could still do the double; Anne’s could win the league for the first time in their history. As the business end of the season reaches its climax, it’s hotting up at the top.by George Kynaston