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Blog Page 2219

Coming soon: the Hildaboy

William Hedley, 18, is one of the first ever boys to hold an offer for St Hilda’s. The Shrewsbury School pupil spent last Saturday afternoon exploring his new turf at an open day organised for those with conditional offers for Michaelmas 2008. Will has heard mixed reports of what the Hilda’s girls have in store for him and admits that he’s not quite sure what to expect come October. Will’s friends are clearly optimistic about the prospect of him going to a former all-girls’ college. “I made a bet with one of my school friends. If I don’t sleep with 20 girls by the end of first year I have to take him on holiday,” says Will.St Hilda’s has repeatedly refused to give out any figures regarding how many boys they’re expecting to take at the start of the academic year, and estimates vary wildly. However, according to Will, about 20 of the 50 who attended the open day were boys.Having initially applied to Wadham to read German, Will got pooled to St Hilda’s during the application process. His memories of the interview period are somewhat jaded:“It was horrible weather and I went out the night before because I’d thought my interviews were over.”“I was annoyed only because I wanted to go home and thought I wouldn’t have to go through any more interviews and questioning – but St Hilda’s itself wasn’t a problem and the interview there went really well. At the Open Day, I talked to lots of other boys who had been pooled there and some of them said they had been disappointed at where they had been sent.“Even a girl said that when she was applying somewhere else, she had thought of Hilda’s as a ‘drop-out’ college and hoped she wouldn’t end up there. Unlucky for her, then, I guess.”Will has said that the Open Day on Saturday was well organised, but that it was clear the College was still adjusting to change.“In some areas, it was a bit obvious that it had been a girl’s college for decades,” he says, “especially with sport. They took a lot of pride in showing us the netball and tennis facilities, but there’s nothing there for boys yet.“They didn’t say much about the fact that taking boys is a big change for the college except to say that accommodation will be mixed when we arrive.”Luise Birgelen, JCR Sport’s Rep at St Hilda’s said that students are doing what they can to make provisions for the male cohort when they arrive in Michaelmas. “We are doing our best to accommodate new male members of the college,” she said. “Because there will be so few initially, however, we’re anticipating having to set up corporations with other colleges.“Also, St Hilda’s has been successful in securing sponsorship for women’s sports this year and we’re hoping to have a similar situation in 08/09 where financial support will help the college adapt to an increasing number of male members. However, as the process of introducing boys at St Hilda’s will obviously be staggered over a number of years, changes to college facilities will also have to be a gradual process,” she said.JCR President Sam Gisborne has said that St Hilda’s JCR is proposing to alter its constitution to allow a male welfare officer and a male sports officer to be elected, among other new roles which will help to inaugurate the new arrivals at the college.She also said that St Hilda’s had spent considerable time in discussing provisions for a single-sex block of accommodation for female students who felt it was their right to request it, having joined the college unaware that men would be accepted as students during their course.“This issue was discussed at length in Michaelmas 2006 and the idea of a single sex block was rejected on the grounds that it would be a logistical nightmare and that there wouldn’t be enough volunteers to fill the rooms. Instead the JCR agreed that there should be single sex corridors throughout the first year accommodation in the initial intake in 2008.”

Editorial: Get your act together, OUSU

In May last year, Cherwell broke the news that our student union had copied a crucial document from the student union of another university. The OUSU Rent Document, which is supposed to provide helpful advice for Oxford’s JCRs in negotiating rent increases with colleges, was found to be 80 percent identical to the Cambridge’s Student Union (CUSU) version.It was striking not just because it had been copied in the first place, but because it had been done with such utter incompetence; several references to ‘Cambridge’ and ‘CUSU’ remained in the text when even a basic ‘find and replace’ would have removed them.At the time, then OUSU President Alan Strickland explained it away as an administrative error: the wrong version of the file had been uploaded onto the website. This was at least plausible, however unlikely it seemed. OUSU promised to rectify their mistaken immediately and all was forgiven and forgotten.Nine months later, the same rent document is finding its way into the pigeon-holes of JCR Presidents and Treasurers. It has been amended somewhat cynically to remove the explicit references to Cambridge, but even with this blatant detail excepted, the document is still 78 percent identical.
As OUSU Rent Officer Dom Weinberg tells us encouragingly, “I also changed the order of the guide and made an overview page.” It’s nice to know that our elected officials put so much effort into these matters. It is difficult to decide what is most shocking about this. There is the fact the rent officer deigned to remove the named references to Cambridge, yet did not feel it necessary to alter the document any further. Then there is the absurdly unapologetic reaction to the revelation that, despite much flapping and red-faced apologising after the original expose, the bloody thing still hasn’t been changed.Despite the stereotypes, Oxford is not 78% identical to Cambridge. It is an absurd failure of our student union to not only hand out advice originally written for another university, but to neglect to rectify it when prompted. Fix it.

Residents angered by plans for Iffley tennis centre

Proposals for a new indoor tennis court on Iffley Road have come up against fierce opposition from locals, including Professor of Theology, Andrew Linzey.Professor Linzey said, “We are not opposed to development on the sports ground per se, what we are opposed to is huge, ugly buildings in a conservation area.“Surely the University can do better than an ‘up-turned sink’ design. It is in the University’s own interest to come to an understanding with local residents.”The plans show a centre just over 25 feet high to be located on the University sports ground which, from some positions, would obscure views towards the city centre. The large, six court indoor tennis building would be built just next to the rugby pitch and very close to a nearby main road. Designs include plans to dig out the area adjacent to the road so the building can stand lower, but the roof still would still stretch a few metres above the fence. The current wooden fence bordering the site would be replaced by tall iron railings.A spokesperson for the University said, “The planning application was registered by the City Council on 15 January and provided residents with the full statutory consultation period to consider and respond to proposals.”She added, “Comments that were made have been taken into account in the final proposals where possible.” However,  members of the Iffley Area Residents Association have said that they feel this response is simply not good enough.Professor Linzey has teamed up with the Association in a stand against the plans. David Barton, Chair of the Association said, “The view from the road beside it will be of a very large, ugly grey zinc roof, divided by lighting panels, stretching back across the field for 33 metres. In our view, the designers haven’t considered the impact of implementing these plans at this particular location, given that it is situated within a conservation area, and close to the Grade 1 Listed building of St John’s Church.”In their submission as a Residents Association, Professor Linzey and co-members will suggest that the building is poorly designed and highly unsuited to the location. They will do so along with those who live opposite the site on Marston Street.Nearby resident Sarah Wild said, “The University obviously cannot have both indoors and the outdoors in the same place because of the restriction at the Iffley Road site; so the answer would be to have a split site – one with primarily indoor and one with primarily outdoor facilities.”The objections of the Resident’s Association will be heard formally at a consultation to be hosted by Oxford City Council. A spokesperson for the Council commented on planning procedures. “As part of the normal planning process we have consulted residents and their comments will be taken into consideration when the application is reviewed,” he said.Oxford University held a public exhibition of the plans at the University Rugby Club pavilion this week where Professor Linzey and the rest of the Association were invited as guests. However, the next discussions concerning the application are not to take place until March.

A wild prediction


Last Tuesday the Writers Guild of America voted to end their strike after 100 days. The writers had downed pencils in a dispute over the revenue they receive from dvds, dowloads and internet streaming. For a better explanation of the details of the dispute see this You Tube film but basically the writers were worried that as television viewing shifts from being a weekly appointment with the box to anytime-anywhere downloads the residuals they rely on for long-term income would dry up.  As it stood they were not getting anything for tv shows bought through iTunes or streamed online.  Essentially the Writers Guild were arguing that the internet is the future for television viewing and with the resolution of the strike they will now be paid around $1,500 for the first two years for online streamed shows and then 2% of the revenue generated in the third year.


The agreement is good news if you’re a fan of Lost or Grey’s Anatomy as it means with the writers furiously scribbling in the next few weeks there will be some new episodes  still to come this season.  It is however even better news for the viewer of the future as it’s a sign that the major television networks are beginning to embrace the next digital revolution.


It is no wild theory to suggest that within the next five years television sets will no longer exist.  Instead the typical viewer will download shows on a computer and watch them wirelessly on a computer screen.  Music and photographs will be accessible from the same machine.  


In fact, it is already beginning to happen – witness last years Apple TV which streams shows from a computer to a television screen and the growing demand for tv online at anytime.  In America, one blogger spent the whole of 2007 getting all of his media (tv shows, music, movie rentals) online and found that no only was this easy, it was also much cheaper to paying only for what he watched rather than for a cable subscription.


Recently the BBC joined the online fun with its iPlayer feature where a selection of shows are available for viewing for up to 7 days; and for up to 30 days if you download them. These developments are great for the average viewer.  As a student it’s very difficult to catch a weekly television show at a set time, but with the growth of online viewing the latest episode of Spooks or Hustle are available when it suits you.


For tv bosses however the outlook is much more grim.  Sky+ and Tivo already allow users to fast forward through adverts but when tv finally moves entirely online the networks will lose their monopoly over content distribution. Programs like Joost allow independent content producers to stream tv channels over the internet and will lure viewers away from the traditional channels.


The BBC have a more specific problem.  You are not required to hold a tv license unless you are watching television programmes being broadcast live so, unless the BBC rectifies this, it is currently possible to get the vast majority of the BBC’s video content, and all of its radio stations for free via the internet.


All this means that the future of television holds a lot more challenges in store for tv chiefs, and a lot more promise for tv viwers.  The writers strike may be over but network bosses have got a lot more headaches on the horizon.


Middle East Journalists to Apply for Oxford Scholarships

Oxford is to award scholarships to Middle Eastern journalists.The Mona Megalli Fellowship, part of the Reuters Foundation Fellowship Program, is open to mid-career journalists from the Middle East.The program commemorates Mona Megalli, a prominent Egyptian-American Reuters journalist who died in 2007 after a long illness. Applicants are asked to submit details of their research topics, and should have five years' professional journalistic experience, minimum. The last day to apply is March 30.by Andreas Televantos

Debate Sparked on "Success" of Pro-Test March

About 200 members of the group Pro-Test marched in Oxford on Saturday to declare their support for animal testing for scientific purposes and to demonstrate against “fear and intimidation” from animal rights groups.
Pro-Test is a group founded in January 2006 by sixteen year-old Laurie Pycroft, in support of the building of a new biomedical research facility in South Parks road, which is now nearing completion. The organisation’s three main aims are to “defend the rights of researchers to work in peace”; to “celebrate the successes of animal research in developing treatments for disease”; and to “communicate a better understanding about animal research to non-scientists everywhere”.
The rally began at noon with speeches made twice along Broad Street and then again at the biomedical facility. The Pro-Testers marched along Broad Street chanting, “No more fear, animal research wanted here.”
The rally was a peaceful affair until one man came to the front of the crowd and shouted while Dr Evan Harris, Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, was speaking. The shouter was escorted away by the police.
Dr Harris said, “There was someone heckling but I didn’t hear. The point was that I had a microphone and he didn’t. He is entitled to his freedom of speech, and he has a perfectly legitimate ethical point of view.”
But he went on to say that the arguments advocated by animal rights activists are “completely wrong in some of the pseudo-scientific arguments they use”.
“It is still factually correct that animal testing is a necessity,” he added.
Evan Harris said that the Pro-Test campaign “has been an overall success, showing the public of both the necessity and the benefits of the laboratory.”
Harris’ continued support for the laboratory was backed by Tom Holder, an Oxford student and one of the main organisers of the march.
Holder believes that there are widespread misconceptions about animal testing and argues that “it should go ahead for better welfare for the scientists and the animals."“It is something about which people don’t always consider all the facts,” he said. “A lot of people still think cosmetic testing is carried out, this is categorically not true. Cosmetic testing has been illegal in the UK since 1999."
In 2006, after gathering 500 signatures in a matter of days, Pro-Test forced OUSU to hold an university student-wide referendum on animal testing. 90.4% of the votes backed a motion supporting animal testing and the building of the Oxford laboratory.In 2008, the march attracted only 200 supporters, in contrast to the 600 of 2006. However, Holder still maintained that the decrease in numbers also shows how Pro-Test is winning the debate.
“It is becoming an increasingly uncontroversial issue with the public mood now one of acceptance. Perhaps this was reflected in the turn out at the march; people are becoming less involved,” he said.
However, a spokesperson for SPEAK, an organisation which campaigns for animal rights, dismissed both the importance of the march and the completion of the new biomedical facility.
She denied that the Pro-Test movement was making headway with the public. She said, “The very poor attendance at the demonstration illustrates that the public do not support the mutilation and brutalisation of animals in the name of so-called science.”
“We are quite ready for the next phase of our campaign to change the facility from an animal torture institution to one for alternatives for animal testing,” she added.
A notice on SPEAK’s website urges supporters to protest at its “Oxford Degree Days Demo” on the 1st March.
Watch the Cherwell24 Video report of the rally.

Oxford Philomusica play Schubert at the Sheldonian Theatre

 26th February 2008 
It is always exciting to hear young performers who hope to become professional musicians, and it is for this reason that I gladly arrived an hour early for the Oxford Philomusica's latest concert. Unfortunately, either for reasons of apathy or ignorance, this view did not seem to be taken by most of the rest of the audience. Thus it was that Chris Terepin, a sixth-former at Magdalen College School, performed Brahms' E minor Cello Sonata to a mostly empty Sheldonian. Occasionally Terepin’s efforts to achieve the correct notes obscured the emotional intensity that this romantic masterwork requires, but in general this was an excellent performance.  Mention must also be made of his accompanist, Adrienne Black, who played discretely and diligently but asserted the piano's natural dominance when the music required it. 
The rest of the audience entered for two of Schubert's longer works, the 'Trout' Quintet and the 9th Symphony (The Great). At this point I must confess that I am not a fan of the 'Trout' in general (it may have something to do with being forced to learn 'Die Forelle' as a young tenor), but the performance was well-poised and diligent, if a little piano-heavy at first.  It captured the seductive charm and effortless grace of Schubert's music and succeeded in giving the piece an identity beyond the famous theme of its fourth movement. 

After the interval the orchestra moved on to the symphony. This was a work that I did not know well, but the orchestra’s rendition certainly sold it to me: the whole piece was entirely charming and pleasant, from the serene beauty juxtaposed with 'Sturm und Drang' in the first movement, via the dainty slow movement and lively scherzo to the brilliante-style finale. My only criticism would be that the slow movement lost some of its momentum and further suffered from some slight mishaps in the brass section. This said, the faster movements were perfectly controlled and the balance between the sections was beautifully managed, allowing the dynamic contrast to have a stunning effect throughout. 

All in all, the concert was well worth braving a cold night to enjoy, but it would have been nice to see more support for the Young Artists' Platform. 

by Simon Ogdon

Be My Baby

Review by Frankie Parham 

Evidently February is the month when everyone is up the duff.  While a teen-flick about pregnancy, Juno, is raking in the box office profits, Katie McGettigan has directed an equally triumphant production of Amelia Whittington’s Be My Baby.  

Set in 1964, we follow the progress of nineteen year-old Mary Adams (Alexandra Hedges), now in her seventh month of pregnancy, unmarried and forced by her prim mother (Frances Rose) to live in a private hospice. Despite the unsympathetic Matron (Camille Watts), the dreary institution has its comforts: Mary befriends three other inmates, similarly all heaving their literal and emotional burdens. Dolores (Crissy Taylor) is the lovingly dappy northerner, contrasting with the sombre Norma (Helen Harvey) and brutally honest Queenie (Jenni Payne). Together, they discover the realities of their positions; they are helpless in a world where money, husband and home are to be their concerns. Love doesn’t come into it.  

In the bland setting of Exeter’s Saskatchewen room (however exotic that name might sound) you really get the sense of some drab ’60s institution for badly behaved girls. Hedges, ceaselessly quivering with nervous naivety, brings an infective enthusiasm to her character, creating a foundation for the play to stand on. Similarly impressive are her three fellow “sinners”: Harvey is a brilliantly restrained Norma, allowing her angst to gradually increase to the point of madness, while Taylor is consistently genuine for all her childish idiocy. Payne probably has the hardest job as the predictable cynic with a soft centre, but she brings credibility to the role. Ultimately, she draws the most pathos from an audience that has already had its sympathies sucked up by all the others: from the beginning, the shocking reasons why each character is there are slowly revealed. Even Watts’ Matron, who runs the place with the cold sobriety of a Nurse Ratchet, eventually exposes her pitiable suffering with particular subtlety.  

For a man’s world, the play is refreshingly deficient of any male roles. A guy would have a lot to live up to with this cast, since Katie and her gang have truly shown what Oxford drama is all about. Seizing occupation of an abandoned classroom, borrowing some theatre lights and probably using their own clothes, the girls – unlike their ’60s counterparts – have done it their way. How things have changed…  


7:30pm Wed/Thurs

Turl Street Arts Festival: Saskatchewen Room, Exeter College

College football report: St John’s 1-3 Pembroke

The increasingly open race for promotion to the First Division saw another twist on Friday as an impressive Pembroke College won at St John's.  As yet unbeaten in the league in Hilary Term, and unbeaten at home for fifty weeks, St John's went into the game as favourites.  Pembroke, however, outfought and outplayed St John's to win a tough and tense match 3-1.  It was the home team that took an early lead after four minutes.  Top scorer Matt Evans-Young was found unmarked on the edge of the area and passed into the net his twelfth of the season.  What followed was an open game, with both teams playing attractive passing football, lacking the bitterness which soured the second half.  Evans-Young almost doubled the lead twenty minutes after his first, having taken the ball past the Pembroke keeper, only for right back Rob Gates to intervene with a heroic last ditch tackle.  At the other end of the pitch, play was dominated by the yellow booted Etienne Ekpo-Utip.  Combining the touch and height of Berbatov with the pace and strength of Henry, he was the outstanding footballer of the afternoon.  He had a strong claim for a penalty turned down soon after following a collision with Clem Naylor.  With only two minutes to go in the first half, a similar incident produced a different result as the spot kick was given.  Ekpo-Utip drove the ball past Alex Berend, for the goal which was fair reward for his performance.  

The second half started slowly, the best chance being an Ali Craggs free-kick hitting the wall.  On the hour mark, the game started to develop an unpleasant edge.  A late challenge from Ekpo-Utip on John's centre half Paul Eastham raised complaints from the touchline, and a dispute over a tackle in midfield led to a scuffle in the centre circle.  Adam Taylor was at the heart of it, as he was for many of the flare ups after half time.  On sixty five minutes, Ekpo-Utip's second goal put Pembroke ahead.  Cutting in from the left, he shrugged off challenges from Eastham and his centre back partner Steve Jennings, and placed the ball into the bottom corner. 

 Four minutes later, an injury to Pembroke right back Rob Gates allowed for a necessary cooling down period.  Gates, challenging James Earle, fell awkwardly and dislocated his shoulder.  Play was halted as Gates was taken off the pitch and an ambulance was called.  After a six minute stoppage, cooler heads prevailed.  

The replacement of Stu Faragher with Sam Freedman signalled John's intent, but the increased space in their half was well exploited by Pembroke.  Both Chris Stovin and Taylor, playing off the dominant Ekpo-Utip, went close in the last ten minutes.  The win was sealed in the last few minutes when Stovin's shot from the edge of the box was deflected by Dave Parsons over Berend and into the net.  It confirmed the three points for a strong and competitive side who now have as good a chance for promotion as St John's or any of the other competitors. 

Timon of Athens

In any discussion of Shakespeare, we have all come to inevitably expect the immediate worship of everything he produced. We are inclined to replace what previous generations may have termed "poor" or "problematic" with terms such as 'experimental'. Sadly, I do not feel that I can use such a term when speaking of Timon of Athens. I felt too often during the performance that the play's events lacked the unity one would expect: the two reversals of fortune happen so closely together that the audience barely has time to understand the significance of either or to appreciate the themes that are developed in each. The uneasy feeling that the play consists of a series of events without an organising narrative is constantly at the forefront of the audience's consciousness.Indeed the central theme is the poisonous nature of money and the contrast between material reality and the idealistic world of the mind and spirit. Timon’s mistake is in essence that he trusts in the intangible bonds that he shares with his “friends” when these bonds are in fact based on his money and thus have a real existence in the world, subject to the transient nature of existence. The transcendent and eternal, commonly represented by love, are almost entirely rejected in this play by the constant association of the values and ideas of civilization with the material world through money. Even romantic love itself, constantly made into a transcendent reality within art, only appears in the guise of prostitutes. In a Marxist sense, the supposedly eternal values and concepts are projected by mankind onto the world, stemming from his material situation.However, the play fails to develop this theme properly by giving it a true contrast: Apemantus merely accepts the world as a spectator and fails to change it, arriving to mock and ridicule it, but never to truly challenge it. “I am sick of this false world” indicates the depths of despair that Timon feels in the essentially meaningless world, and seems to represent the world as intrinsically false. Moreover, the nightmarish view of Alcibiades, namely that “Soldiers should brook as little wrongs as gods”, has too much brutality and personal pride about it to be appreciated as a viable option. Apart from the lone character of Flavius, whose relationship with Timon is consistently underdeveloped, there is little humanity to be taken from the play.Though I thought the attempt to use a very meagre set with very few props was admirable, the play failed to pull it off: the use of a plastic Sainsbury’s bakery tub as some sort of treasure chest was a step too far. In terms of acting, Nakul Krishna captured the resonances of the language very well, whilst the others occasionally had a moment of excellence, but mostly managed to pass it off fairly well. In short I would only advise you to see this play if you have a desire to see everything Shakespeare ever produced or have a specific penchant for it.