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Binge-Drinking Safe for Pregnant Women Claims Controversial Report

A controversial study published by scientists at Oxford University has claimed that binge-drinking while pregnant will not harm an unborn child.

The evidence, which contradict earlier studies, states that consistent heavy drinking during pregnancy is more detrimental to the health of the foetus than binge-drinking. Previous research had linked consistently heavy drinking during pregnancy to birth defects, but the effect of binge-drinking was largely unknown until now. Researchers claim that the risk of damage to the foetus is "minimal", with "little substantial evidence" that it could cause miscarriage, stillbirth or abnormal birth-weight, or other adverse effects. The research, which was published by scientists at Oxford University and the University of Aarhus, states: "When pregnant women report isolated episodes of binge-drinking in the absence of a consistently high daily alcohol intake…the evidence of risk seems minimal."Other experts have received the new results cautiously, warning that the only safe advice is to not drink while pregnant.

Review: Encounter Point and Discussion, Union, 12/11/07

By Avi Bram


Monday night saw a special screening of Encounter Point at the Oxford Union. The film documents the activities of the ‘Parents Circle – Families Forum’, a group of Israelis and Palestinians who have lost family members in the conflict and have come together to work for peace. After the screening there was an open discussion with Ronit Avni, the director, and two leading PC-FF activists, Ali Abu Awwad and Robi Damelin. The event came at an interesting time, when co-existence projects are coming under criticism from some analysts as being ineffective at best and a distraction from the ‘real issues’ at worst. When this question arose in the discussion, there was general agreement that not all co-existence groups are useful.

Robi stated her contempt for the “hugs and hummous” model of interfaith dialogue, where people from the two sides are encouraged to bond on a personal level but the political aspect is not explored. The difference with PC-FF, in her eyes, was that its aims were promoting understanding of the other’s national history and working for a just resolution to the conflict. Ronit also pointed out that, though hugs-only groups are doomed to fail because they ignore the vital issue, building up personal relations with the ‘other’ at first can often motivate people to become political activists later on.

A powerful example in the film is Shlomo Zagman, a former settler who agrees to meet with Ali – the first Palestinian he’s ever properly talked to – and gradually becomes more involved in social activism, helping found a movement for religious settlers seeking an end to the occupation. When producing Encounter Point the filmmakers took an decision to avoid detailing current affairs (which become out-of-date incredibly quickly in the Middle East), and instead to focus on individuals involved in co-existence work. They selected eight activists from 475 potential applicants and the vast majority of the documentary is given over to their histories, opinions and daily life. The rationale for this is to provide evidence that there are people on both sides who believe in peace, fighting the prevalent notion amongst Israelis and Palestinians that ‘there is no-one to talk to on the other side’. Encounter Point has met with very wide acclaim, showing in cinemas throughout Israel and the Palestinian Territories and in over 35 cities worldwide.

Ali related how he had positive discussions about the film with dignitaries ranging from Jewish US congressman Gary Ackerman to the head of the Jenin branch of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (a Palestinian militant group) Zakariya Zubeidi. The stance of the PC-FF is highly controversial amongst the two populations. Ali explained that, as a fighter who had spent years in Israeli prisons, he could have been a hero in his homeland. However, his decision to work with the ‘Bereaved Families Forum’ raised a lot of criticism from other Palestinians who saw this as ‘collaborating’ with Israelis. In his own view, Ali has continued to resist the occupation, and is not normalising relations with Israelis.

He gave two reasons for switching to non-violent methods: firstly the general principle that the aim of peace should only be achieved through peaceful means, and secondly that violent resistance has proved a failure for the Palestinians in particular: non-violent means will be a more effective way of ending the occupation. Ali cited some common examples of non-violent protest leaders – Gandhi, Martin Luther King – as giving him some inspiration, and further noted that the Palestinian cause lost a lot of the sympathy it had commanded in the West due to the tactic of suicide bombing that became prominent with the start of the ‘Second Intifada’ in 2000. The delegates were adamant in their hopes that Oxford students would join in the struggle for peace. We cannot just sit around and wait for the messiah, Robi warns. “If the messiah comes, either the Palestinians or the Israelis will kill him anyway.” Action is required now – not just warm wishes and hugs. But there is a point of confusion here. The panel are unanimous in their belief that civic society rather than governments must be the ones that bring peace. But what concrete action can we take in Britain apart from pressuring our government to take up a more active role? Indeed, at the end of the talk, the director produced a petition to be sent to Tony Blair, requesting that the PC-FF be included in the upcoming Anapolis peace conference. Certainly, it is valuable for us to be better informed about the conflict. But on its own that is unlikely to change things quickly – the ripple effect from Britain on the people of the Holy Land will not be very powerful. But of course, this conflict has no easy solutions; which is why it was so encouraging to encounter a group of people prepared to struggle against grave difficulties to find peace.


Live Review: Quentin Tarantino and the Reservoir Dogs at the Cellar 02/11/07

by Georgina White


Entering the cellar mid-gig there are any number of things you might expect to see –  a crowd of carefully coiffured indie kids tapping converse-clad feet, the wall of studied disinterest of the post-rock brigade, even the odd mini-moshpit (in a very polite, Oxfordian manner, of course). But tonight, the couple at the front of the crowd seem to be doing the Charleston. And the way the girl beside the stage is moving can't be described in any terms other than 'jive'. Tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen, Quentin Tarantino and the Reservoir Dogs are in town.


And its not just their sharp suits and intricately sculpted facial hair which is making the crowd go wild. The youth of Oxford seem to have discovered something startling – jazz-funk is a riot, and Quentin Tarantino and the Reservoir Dogs are its ringleaders.


Now, Cherwell 24 can appreciate the genius of jazz just as much as the next online, student-written, Oxford-based newspaper, but we've rarely seen anyone dance to it. And the reason for this, as anyone who's been to the Bullingdon Arms of a Tuesday night will appreciate, is that it's just not inclusive enough. The extended solo serves as an opportunity for the other band members to give the soloist a knowing wink, congratulating him for a particularly daring E flat or the audacious move into 9/8 time. For the audience, trying to keep up with the professionals on stage, it's far too painfully cerebral an experience for it to spark the body into anything more than an anxious finger tap (or a few successive trips to the bar).


Quentin Tarantino and the Reservoir Dogs, however, by adding the funk to the jazz, seem to have solved this problem. They have all the technical brilliance and scintillating flights of jazz – the sharp bursts of energy, the challenging departures, then the sudden resurfacing of the familiar motifs – but they've managed to do it without the 24 bar drum solos. The pace is kept up and the texture meaty as they attack old jazz standards with the power of a full band, or engage in short, sharp exchanges between the instruments, rather than descending into fret-noodling tedium. And the excitement of audience's response says it all. There's dancing, laughing, shrieking even (though that may indeed have been the effect of the facial hair), and in over an hour's set, no-one seems to be experiencing a dull moment.


Tonight, we all get to discover how vibrant, how exciting this kind of music can be, and it's funking sensational. As the final strains of the trombone fade into the midnight air, this reviewer sets off, a born again jazz-funk convert.

Art Review: Common Threads

by Daisy Dunn

Common Threads-An Exhibition of Patchwork Panels

Jacqueline Du Pre Building, St. Hilda’s College, October 28th-December 1st


There is something innately youthful about ‘patchwork’ as an artistic medium. It is this very nostalgic feeling, heightened by the intensity and fiercely clashing nature of a full palate of colours and dyes, that  first strikes one upon entering the glass anteroom of the ‘JDP’ building.  ‘Common Threads’, an exhibition of wall-based textile artwork produced by the Oxford multicultural textile community, falls  midway between a monarchically traditional tapestry array and a primary school display board.  And yet, the thought behind each of the textile panels is embraced by neither of these parodies. 


The belied naivety of the exhibition as a whole, as well as being promoted by the primitive associations  of  patchwork craft, arises from the internal imagery of many textile squares.  One of Junie James’ pieces, for instance, alights upon those very features which differentiate England from her time-old memories of Jamaica.  Visualised through the eyes of a child, a Christmas tree looms jovially before a  claustrophobically terraced Oxford street.  Patricia White’s journey, whilst geographically not quite as extreme, is realised in the panel entitled ‘Mobility’, which portrays her transition from a depressingly  industrial northern town to an aesthetically stunning Oxford College.  Oxford as home is also envisaged by Judy Hammond, whose intensely moving artwork was influenced by the Botanic Garden’s former  existence as a Jewish cemetery; Hammond, who never knew the whereabouts of her Jewish grandparents’ graves, interns them symbolically in this fruitful spot. The Common Thread between such disparate tales of disparate places, Oxford, is most poignantly played up by patchwork itself, a  medium which strives to collocate disparate materials in an harmonious way. 


It is not only the highly personal experience that is explored in this show.  As a reflection of the group’s  connection with Out of Africa 2007, a project which celebrates the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the  Transatlantic Slave Trade, more pandemic issues such as civil rights have sparked inspiration.  One sizeable panel features a selection of ironed-on images and quotes from both Martin Luther King and proponents of the Black Power Movement, such as Stokely-or ‘Stokey’ as he is here rendered- Carmichael.  As political art, the ostensibly congruous inclusion of two historically conflicting  movements on one canvas seems both ironic and falsely idealised; unless, of course, the artist is to be  taken as exploring the common thread between Peaceful Resistance and Black Power.  Such a realisation seems unlikely, but the political failings of these panels do little to render them contrived or  any less emotional. 


All in all, much of the success of the exhibition itself is dependent on comprehending the feelings of  culture-clash versus integration, which form the backbone of many of the panels.  Without the emotion of each story elucidated, either visually or literarily, one cannot help but fall prey to the more obvious  decries of amateurism, albeit sympathetically, which are evoked upon first viewing. 


A concert featuring Black Voices, linked to the exhibition, will take place on November 30th. The textile  group welcomes new members: see www.oxnet.org.uk/textilesforpeace


Exeter College Mourns Death of Two Freshers

Exeter College closed its doors to the general public today as it mourned the loss of two of its students.Sundeep Watts and Harcourt 'Olly' Tucker, both first-year undergraduates, died of unrelated causes on Sunday. Sundeep Watts was diagnosed on Saturday with meningitis. He was taken to the John Radcliffe Infirmary where he died last night. In the same day, Olly Tucker suffered a heart attack while playing hockey.Teresa Cash, Communications Manager from the Health Protection Agency said: "All people that had been in close contact with [Sundeep] have been offered proventive antibiotics" as a precaution and confirmed that there would be no increased meningitis risk to other students.University Authorities have advised students to remain in Oxford rather than to return home early and urges anyone who is concerned to seek medical advice immediately. In a statement made earlier today, Frances Cairncross, Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, said: "Exeter College is devastated by the deaths. Our hearts go out to their families and friends."Cairncross confirmed: "All the specialists dealing with them have assured us that there is no connection whatsoever between the two cases."The College is closed to the general public for the time being, in order to ensure that our students have peace at this difficult time."
by Daniel Millichip and Fiona Wilson

Head to Head: The Bridge vs. Filth

Possibly the ultimate showdown of the Oxford clubbing scene. Loyalties are divided, but can the winner be found? Our intrepid reporter Sam Harding takes on the task of finding out….
Thursdays @ The Bridge

I arrived at the Bridge with a friend who insisted that we go ridiculously early. Thankfully that meant that we only had to queue for twenty minutes. It was quick to get a drink, as there are multiple bar areas, and the staff are efficient. A good choice if you’re with friends is the £11 bottle of Cava, which is more fun than a standard shot of vodka & red bull. The regular drinks are generally reasonably priced, and there is a very wide range. The music is a good mix and keeps the crowd going, and dancing is not confined to the dancefloor.

As a Londoner however, I tend to assume that you can show up at any club, at any time, and not have to queue for more than a few minutes. But when I showed up at The Bridge a few weeks previously at 11pm, I queued for over an hour outside, before being shunted into Anuba, known as the ‘waiting room’ or ‘airport lounge’. I waited with my ticket for another hour until my number was called. It’s not uncommon, I hear, for the entire process to take well over two hours. And for anyone who thinks that they can avoid this by being on the guestlist, everyone tries that trick. It doesn’t work. The VIP lounge inside the club, whilst easily avoided, is a rather unnecessary addition. It is guaranteed to be compromised of a clientele of pretentious and generally unattractive male students paying £100 for a bottle of vodka in order to entice some naïve, inebriated, and far more attractive female students. Not a classy touch.

Fridays @ Filth

Traipsing through the back of the Westgate centre isn’t exactly the most glamorous way to arrive, but thankfully, even when the queue stretches down the stairs, you are unlikely to wait for more than half an hour. No sign of the Cava inside though, only £20 bottles of Prosecco, but there’s usually some sort of spirit-mixer promotion to keep you well-fuelled. The music alternates from drum and bass, to R&B, to chart, to cheese, and back again, which is good fun and keeps everyone in high spirits. The DJ fuels the fun by periodically announcing various Oxford colleges, met by the cheers and screams of their loyal party-goers. The atmosphere is far more laid back, mainly because it’s hard to be pretentious at Filth, and people are there to have a good time, rather than to pose and be admired. Filth is on a much smaller scale, but not necessarily more crowded, so it’s far easier to find your friends after a trip to the toilets or the bar.

Unfortunately, Filth can be somewhat grimy, in a ‘keepin’ it real’ way. The toilets leave much to be desired, or avoided, although their users are usually drunk enough not to notice, whilst the sobering queuing process at The Bridge makes one appreciate the cleanliness of their toilets. Filth also tends to have something of the town-gown problem, which has lead to some unpleasantness before, as people simply can’t help bumping into each other. The air-conditioning has been known to be temperamental and, thanks to the Westgate’s policy, it’s a long walk to go for a quick smoke in the two hour slot in which you are allowed to leave and come back. There is notorious queue jumping, which tends to happen far less at The Bridge. If you leave early, prepare to be hassled for the ubiquitous wristband, which is traded, bought, and sold with the same frenzy that gripped Pokemon.

The Verdict

If you’re willing to arrive unfeasibly early, or endure the tedious queuing process, then Bridge has a lot to offer, but for good old-fashioned, unpretentious fun, the way Oxford clubbing should be, then Filth is the way to go.

Oxford don slates new diploma

The government’s new diploma for 14-19 year-olds, due to be launched next year, has been slated by an Oxford University professor.

The Nuffield Review – which was led by Richard Pring, a professor at Oxford’s department of education – said that the introduction of the diplomas had been rushed and badly researched.

The new qualification, which is the brainchild of Schools Secretary Ed Balls, is aimed at narrowing the gap between vocational and academic learning, but the report dismissed this notion.

It said, “Such middle-track qualifications have in the past been regarded as an alternative for the less academically able and the review predicts that teachers will view diplomas in the same way — with A levels and GCSEs remaining the more prestigious qualifications.”


I spent a relatively normal day in Brussels, eating chicken, breaking into duck ponds and other such  leisurely activities. A friend took me to the train station, I waited for half an hour and hopped on a train  that was clearly marked "Liege". The porter had told me it was quite a slow train so I listened to Lou Reed  and read for a while. An hour and a half had passed, I was beginning to get suspicious. Getting to Brussels had only taken  me an hour.I was restless. A PVC ball with a tennis ball inside rolled towards me so I stood up and  asked the whole carriage if it was theirs. I spoke in French, no-one responded. So I sat back down and  tried to extract the tennis ball from the PVC ball surrounding it. A gang of grannies to my left were  giggling at me so I said in French, would you like to try? They didn't understand me, one of them spoke  to me in English, twist it, she said. I handed her the ball and they didn't succeed. It was getting dark outside. I thought it was a good idea to check that the train was indeed going to  Liege. I stood at the end of the corridor and got chatting in English to a man who looked stereotypically sleazy (leather jacket, gelled hair, gold necklace). He explained that we were in (Dutch-speaking)  Flanders, that the train had split a while ago and this part was not going to Liege. That gave some  explanation for why no-one could understand me, and also made me see that half of the Belgian  population cannot communicate with the other half. It's as if the Welsh couldn't understand the English.  Absolute madness. I asked Mr. Sleaze what he thought the best route was for me to get back to Liege. He said to get off at  the next stop, then he paused and said "but we can go get a drink, then I can drive you. It is nicer in a  car." "No, no," I replied. "Why you say no? You scared?" "Well, it is a bit dangerous don't you think? I  mean I don't know you." I hopped off the train and Mr Sleaze said, "quick, quick, there is a train to Liege on platform three," and  I ran and I caught it. It delivered me home safely.

Science Podcast – 6th Week

Join Leon Harrington and Connie Han for a roundup of science news, features and events.This week: Supermouse, PS3 for science?, IVM babies, HapMap moves forward, Queen opens Diamond Light Source.Events: 'Perspectives' @ Science Oxford, Book of Imaginary Science & Small Worlds @ History of Science Museum.Download the podcast here
Related Links:Supermouse VideoFolding@homeHapMap
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Oxford Mentor Scheme for Black Students

US human rights activist Rev Jesse Jackson is heading up a campaign to encourage more black students to apply to Oxford.The project, which will be headed under the title of 'Aspire', is being pushed by Regent's Park College, Canterbury Christ Church University and the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) racial justice team. The programme will focus on establishing and adding to mentoring schemes around Britain, in an attempt to identify problem areas faced by those thinking of applying to universities.Of the applications made to Oxford last year, only 151 of the applicants were black. Of that number, 26 were offered places. Myra Blythe, chaplain of Regent's Park, said: "We are tapping into what is a nationwide issue but looking at it from the Oxford perspective." "It is a major problem, not only in this country, but as Jessee Jackson is highlighting, in the United States too."