Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


JSoc and ISoc host antisemitism, Islamophobia trainings across college Freshers’ Weeks

Jewish Society (JSoc) and Islamic Society (ISoc) will organise antisemitism and Islamophobia training sessions at over a dozen colleges this Freshers’ Week. Several colleges accepted one society’s offer but not the other’s. Over summer, JSoc reached out to all JCRs and MCRs over summer, offering to send a representative to deliver a presentation “on the Jewish community, the history of antisemitism, how to identify it, and how to report it,” according to the society’s email. JSoc president Kai Ogden told Cherwell...



Long vowels or short shrift: Oxford’s shocking accent hierarchy

A Scottish undergraduate spoke to me of how she consciously altered her voice during tutorials and moots, where she would “tone down” the broadness of her accent.

War crimes, rent climbs, and bad wines: A very short history of protest at Oxford

We start all the way back in February 1355 with perhaps the most pretentious cause for protest possible.

Has Oxford made us hate reading?

"Ever felt like you were suffocating under a pile of books, making the idea of picking up yet another feel utterly daunting?"

Oxford University and the guise of climate consciousness

Oxford University and climate action. Opinions on Oxford’s relationship with such action differ profusely across student activist groups, the University administration and climate-focused academics. In navigating the conflicting views and disagreements between key stakeholders, data made available to the public in response to FOI requests, is of paramount significance....

Ozempic and the commercial medicalisation of beauty

There is no doubt that beauty culture penetrates all aspects of contemporary society. According to a Mckinsey & Company report, in 2022, the beauty market generated approximately $430 billion in revenue, and is expected to reach approximately $580 billion by 2027. In 1849, it was a tiny industry worth...

Things can only get… worse? Why 2024 is no 1997 for the Labour Party

One of the characteristic features of the 1997 Labour Party general election campaign was their use of D:Ream’s song "Things Can Only Get Better" in their campaign video. This song was selected to conjure optimism following what many saw as eighteen years of Conservative failure which had left the...


Max Fosh on viral pranks, comedy tours, and the art of posh self-deprecation

Max Fosh is a YouTuber and stand-up comedian, who first garnered acclaim for his StreetSmart series of street interviews. Fosh then expanded towards more prank and challenge-style videos, before launching his first stand-up tour Zocial Butterfly in 2021. Cherwell interviewed him ahead of his Loophole tour across the UK,...

A ‘golden age’ for Oxford: In conversation with Chancellor Patten

Lord Christopher Patten has been the Chancellor of Oxford University since 2003. Before that, he acted as the last Governor of Hong Kong and as Chairman of the Conservative Party.  In February 2024, Lord Patten announced his retirement from the Chancellorship;  intense media speculation about which British public figure might...


On Leadership by Tony Blair, Precipice by Robert Harris, and Oxford crime – Books of the Month

On Leadership by Tony Blair; Precipice by Robert Harris; Lessons in Crime: Academic Mysteries edited by Martin Edwards

North Korea and the Global Nuclear Order review – “An excellent account”

Dr Edward Howell, whose columns in the Spectator and the Telegraph are among the few intelligent and readable things left in those outlets, has produced an excellent account of North Korea and its place in the global nuclear order. Here is a book which the University Press would do...


Going out without flunking out: How to write your essay when the room’s still spinning

We’ve all been there. The perfect opportunity for a night out, potentially foiled by the unattempted essay due tomorrow at 4pm. An age-old Oxford conundrum. I think there are three breeds of people at this University. The first – those who go out, have a blast, and wake up only...

Serious life lessons from silly Oxford mistakes

You’re not alone, and to make one mistake – or even a hundred – doesn’t doom you to eternal failure.

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