Sunday, March 9, 2025

70 Blairs, 3 Ahmadinejads, but only one Hitler

I came across this German website, which lets you search for the frequency of different surnames across the country. It relies on phone book entries, so it’s not totally accurate, but it’s a bit of fun. There exist still in Germany:

1 telephone directory entry for Hitler on the north coast

846 Goebbels, mostly near the French border

1519 Eichmanns

7 entries for the surname Auschwitz

19 Lederhoses

3 Ahmadinejads

70 Blairs

7 Thatchers

8 Beckhams

16 Rooneys

3 Mourinhos

53 entries for Benitez

88 Giulianis

And finally, 230 Edwards, 9 Clintons but no Obamas.

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