Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Joshua Freedman

‘We didn’t betray Prince Harry. Honest…’

In their edition of February 20, the German women’s magazine Frau im Spiegel speculated that Prince Harry might be in Iraq on service without...

Next up: Shoplifting, live from Sainsbury’s

I’m sure raiding a private house is a bread-and-butter matter for most police forces. This week police searched German postal service head Klaus Zumwinkel’s...

Pretty in Pink

Joshua Freedman talks to lastminute.com creator Martha Lane Fox Talk about last minute. Martha Lane Fox was lucky to make it. The entrepreneur was...

Tosh. Or a joke, perhaps

The excellent German blog Die Achse des Guten ("The Axis of Good") has drawn my attention to this bizarre claim in today's Daily Record:Legendary...


It didn't take long to notice that the Germans have no equivalent of the verb "to facebook".So I thought I'd coin one. "Facebookieren."It uses...

German quote of the week

Thanks to the big screen in the Frankfurt underground for this: Der Utopist sieht das Paradies, der Realist das Paradies plus Schlange — Friedrich...

Here’s one lot who’ll be smiling about the Guevara story

I should welcome Billy as the latest entrant to the Cherwell24 blogging community. His funereal post on how McCain’s going to be six feet...

Catching the tiger and the dragon

I think we all agree now that China and India are the economic powers of the future. But do the German media do justice...

Marx? Groucho, I assume*

So I was talking to a middle-aged Jewish man here in Frankfurt very proud to have the surname Goldschmidt. A very old and prestigious...

Fascist-itis spreads to the continent

In-party rows are contagious. Firstly, late last year:George Galloway and his supporters have split from Respect. After a week in which he has tried...


Roger Cohen’s latest column in the International Herald Tribune paints a concerning picture of the ignorance of all too many German youths. Speaking to...

What’s the real reason?

Pacifist raises the issue (commenting on my last post) that Germany’s reluctance to get involved in military operations such as Afghanistan may not have...

Take part in the first Feral Beast survey

Germany has been reluctant to get involved in military conflicts around the world since the events of the 1930s and 40s. Last week the...

Goal of the year… already (with video content)

Only the Germans would put their Goal of the Year competition in February. But here it is anyway, the winner, Diego’s 62.6m punt for...

An afterthought on the far left’s hypocrisy

Remember this old rustbucket? The far-left party here in Germany, Die Linke, set one loose on the streets of Frankfurt just before last week’s...

More about sausages

Vee vill find a vay of tracking you down! UPDATE: Well done QAZ, you’re spot on. This isn’t an article. You clearly haven’t come across...

‘A bloke from Warrington selling sausages’

What do the Brits really think of the Germans? I've heard two contrasting opinions over the last 24 hours. Firstly, Richard Morrison's column...

Feral Beast scoops the Telegraph

Well, kind of.Feral Beast last week, in a post entitled "Germany's Communist kingmakers": By this time next week, these neo-communists might be some...

The politics of "Nein"

The only certainty coming out of last night’s election results here in Hesse, Germany, are that the ruling conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) are losers...

Parliamentary snoozer of the week

Friday's German parliamentary forum on anti-semitism was clearly too boring for some.Hat tip: Die Achse des Guten PS The ruling CDU won by about...

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