Sunday, February 23, 2025

‘Stinking’ intruders force way into Lincoln

On Sunday night two members of the public allegedly broke into Lincoln college and made their way into a Lincoln student’s room.

Students have been expressing their concern at the college’s security following the incident.

Zoe O’Shea, a Lincoln fresher, woke up at 1.30 am after she heard her door open. Initially expecting it to be friends, she was shocked when two strangers were standing feet from her bed.

She described them as “stinking of alcohol and cigarettes.”

O’Shea said that the man and woman claimed to be looking for ‘Susie.’ They then asked if there was a party going on where they could find some alcohol.

When she asked them to leave, the pair headed for the JCR where the Superbowl was being aired. The two had been seen earlier in the evening looking into the JCR from Turl Street.

When asked about the incident, Lincoln’s Junior Dean commented that this was the first he had heard about a break-in. He said that there had been no official report made regarding the incident and therefore no statement could be made.

However, O’Shea claimed that she went to a porter to report the incident, and was told that “I should have locked my door”.

“She [the porter on duty] was quite stern and unsympathetic,” she said. Richard De Vere, a Lincoln mathematician, was watching the Superbowl when they came in, once again asking for alcohol. The pair this time claimed that they were friends of ‘Sarah’ and asked where the free drinks were.

He described the two as looking “poorly kempt” and being in their 40s. He also stated that they appeared very drunk.

Finally a student went to find a porter and the two were forced to leave the college.

James Meredith, JCR President, said, “I’m absolutely horrified by the incident, and intend to discuss it further with college authorities.”

“It is worth noting though, that I brought the fact that the security system at the bottom of staircase one wasn’t working to the attention of college last term.”

At present Lincoln uses a swipe card system at night. It is suspected that the intruders waited until someone else swiped their card, and then followed them in, otherwise known as ‘tail gating.’

Lincoln Bursar was contacted for a comment, but has not yet responded.

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