Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Cherwell News Team

WATCH: Tim Farron confronted by angry Brexit voter in Oxford

Video: Tim Farron given a humiliating dressing down by an Oxfordshire voter earlier this week

O’Neill returns to Oxford

Twitter controversy blocks election hopes for Oxford's Sean O’Neill

Christ Church JCR vote against ‘sesh reps’ motion

JCR members decided not to rename their Entz Reps

Wadham SU tight-lipped over drone purchase

SU is planning to use money won from OUSU elections to buy the college a drone

Christ Church votes to create controversial new Staff Liaison Officer

The new JCR role has provoked concerns that scouts could be subject to unfair scrutiny

Oxford research group to develop universal flu vaccine

Oxford spinout company given £10 million in funding

Prince William to open Magdalen library

The Duke of Cambridge will be visiting Oxford to open Magdalen’s recently completed Longwall Library. The Prince will come on May 11, spending his...

Too Many Man at The ISIS rave

Despite club not being at full capacity, police called to help

#MustRhodesFall Live

Live reporting from tonight's Oxford Union panel discussion: Must Rhodes Fall?

Oxford students in Paris believed to be safe after attack

A 400-person strong peaceful march for Paris has also taken place, with services and vigils at various colleges

Oriel liberation referendum fails

JCR vote to create a new BME Officer, Women's Officer and Disabilities Officer does not achieve required two-thirds majority.

Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford: Live Blog

Follow the action in Oriel Square as students demand that Rhodes' statue be removed

Police seize 150 copies of No Offence magazine

150 copies of controversial student publication confiscated by authorities outside Freshers' Fair