Monday, March 31, 2025

OUSU holds husting of City Council candidates

Candidates husted for forty minutes, before the start of OUSU Council, on Wednesday night. The hustings took place in Magdalen College’s auditorium. A motion to arrange the hustings was approved unanimously at 7th Week OUSU Council of Hilary term.

Each party had one candidate to represent them in the husting, with the candidates present all contesting wards containing at least one Oxford college. Candidates representing the Conservatives, the Greens, Labour, the Liberal Democrats and Monster Raving Loony Party were all present. Issues discussed included the Oxford Covered Market, immigration and whether the candidates would commit to tackling violence against women.

Elections for the City Council are taking place on Thursday 22nd May 2014 from 7am-10pm (4th Week of Trinity term), with half of the city’s 48 councillors up for re-election across 24 City Council wards.The majority of students live in the Carfax and Holywell wards, which encompass the entire city centre from the Magdalen Bridge until St Giles divides.

Dan Tomlinson, OUSU Vice-President for Charities and Community, who organised the hustings commented, “With half of Oxford City’s Councillors up for election, OUSU Council decided it would be a good idea to hold hustings to find out more about the local issues and the candidates running.”

“There were heated discussions on some local policy areas including the management of the Oxford Covered Market, decision making on the County Council’s homelessness cuts and the City Council’s current policies affecting student housing in Oxford.”

“Students have more power when they vote, and even registering to vote can make politicians more likely to take our concerns into account. We have until May 6th to register, students can visit the electoral commission website for more information”

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