Monday, March 31, 2025

Olivia Merrett announced as Union President

The Oxford Union has announced on their website that Olivia Merrett is to take on the role of President for Trinity Term. Merrett, who had formerly been elected as Secretary for the term, is replacing Roberto Weeden-Sanz, who was found to have automatically resigned at the end of last term.

Weeden-Sanz was due to be President next term. However, after missing three meetings, the Union’s Senior Disciplinary Committee ruled that he had automatically resigned his position.

It was expected that Stuart Webber, Librarian for Trinity, would take up the position as Rule 38(b)(vi) states, “The President-Elect shall be succeeded by the Librarian, the Librarian-Elect shall be succeeded by the Treasurer, and the Treasurer-elect shall be succeeded by the Secretary.” Webber elected not to, choosing to remain as Librarian. However, it has been speculated that he will run for President at the end of Trinity. 

Webber commented to Cherwell, “In the face of difficult circumstances, I am pleased that Olivia is now the Union President. I am sure that she will do a fantastic job, and I very much look forward to serving as Librarian with her next term as part of such a dedicated committee.”

Zuleyka Shahin had also announced earlier that she has accepted the role of Treasurer at the Oxford Union next term. Shahin, who had previously been elected to Standing Committee, is replacing Antonia Trent. Nikolay Koshikov has replaced Olivia Merrett as Secretary. 

Trent had taken up the position of Treasurer on Saturday of 8th week but subsequently resigned after she was found to have also breached Union rules regarding meeting attendance.

It is understood that both Merrett and Shahin will take on the responsibilities of their roles immediately.

Shahin won 207 first preference votes in the election for Standing Committee, the highest of any candidate running for the committee. Shahin is thought to be the first trans person to hold an executive position at the Union and is also the OUSU Graduate Women’s Officer.


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