Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lincoln bans spirits during freshers’

Drinks containing any spirits, irrespective of strength, are prohibited at Entz-run events in Lincoln College for freshers’ week, with the possibility of an extension for the whole year.

The college notified the JCR President and Head Entz Rep via email that they are only allowed to serve wine, beer and cider at Entz events. Whilst Entz can serve wine of 12-13 per cent, they cannot sell a VK at 4 per cent strength. 

One Lincoln College undergraduate commented, “This is clearly symptomatic of a poorly thought-through policy. A ban on spirits is likely to drive pre-drinking up, as many freshers would normally drink mixers and not wine, beer or cider. 
“It is likely that freshers used to drinking spirits will simply bring hip flasks and spike soft drinks with an unregulated quantity of spirits.
“It is much more expensive to buy large quantities of alcohol by volume when Entz is restricted to buying wine, beer and cider”. 
Freshers were not informed in advance of the spirit ban. The latest developments follow threats of a total drinks ban within college last year. 
Lincoln Entz has been subject to strict spirit controls in the past, with the junior deans regulating the mixing of drinks. The college threatened the JCR with a blanket drinks ban last year as well as an attempted ban of the Hilary Term bop. Another Lincoln College undergraduate commented, “I think the ban is a direct attack on the newly arrived freshers meant to press the college’s authority upon them.” 
“It is yet another attempt to undermine the student body of the college alongside the failure to develop the newly bought buildings in a way that is actually going to benefi t the college community.” 
Lincoln College junior deans and the JCR President did not respond to requests for comment.

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