Christmas leftovers: Turkey Pie

If you’ve ever watched Bridget Jones, you shall know that turkey left-overs are a constant of Christmas. In this recipe, turkey and other bits and bobs make up a lovely pie to feast on over the next few days before you get truly turrkey-ed out!


225g plain flour

55g butter

45g lard

Milk or water

Turkey leftovers

Stuffing leftovers

Any other bits and pieces – veg, old pigs-in-blankets etc.

Salt and pepper

1 onion, diced

1 clove garlic, diced

1 egg, whisked (optional)

You will need a large pie dish and either rice or baking beans to blind bake the pastry with greaseproof paper.

Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Grease your pie dish with butter (or lard). Make the pastry. Pastry is easy to make, but most people have switched from lard to all-butter or other “healthier” variations. Without wishing to further the unethical meat industry, Cherwell strongly recommends that you use lard which will give your pastry a much better texture. Mix the butter with the flour and stir until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add a couple of teaspoons of water (or you can use milk) and some salt and mix with your hands until it becomes the texture of raw pastry. Chill the pastry for one hour in the fridge. Remove one third of the pastry and roll the larger section until it is as thin as you desire before placing it in the greased dish and pricking it with a fork. Put greaseproof paper and baking beans over the pastry and blind bake for about 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave.

Fry up the onion and garlic, adding black pepper and salt. Place the some old turkey slices on your pastry and cover in ovnions and garlic. Place stuffing and old bits of other leftovers on top. Cover this with any remaining turkey. 

Roll out the final third of pastry and cover the pie. Make a small air hole in the pastry roof and decorate the pie as you like. I normally press a fork around the edge. Brush egg or milk on the top of the pie. Cook for about 30 minutes or until hot in the middle. The pastry should also go golden brown on top. Enjoy this Christmas treat – perfect with some cranberry sauce or even some leftover gravy!

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