Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Details withheld from OULC antisemitism report

BARONESS ROYALL’S INQUIRY into the alleged antisemitism in the Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) found no evidence of “institutional antisemitism”, leading instead to a series of recommendations being made to the party as a whole.

The reports were commissioned by Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) and will be published in their entirety in the Chakrabarti report before the summer.

Although Baroness Royall wrote that she does “not believe that there is institutional antisemitism within OULC” she did however report individual incidents and other cases related to cultural issues in the club. These she says, “Must be addressed to ensure a safe space for all Labour students to debate and campaign” as its main consequence is that “some Jews do not feel welcome.”

Baroness Royall also noted in the summary of the reports that in one instance a case of “serious false allegations of antisemitism” was reported to the police.

The details of these incidents are yet to be made available, as only an executive summary and the recommendations were published on the Party’s website. Regarding this, Jeremy Newmark tweeted that he was “frustrated” the content of the report had been “suppressed” by Labour’s NEC, though this fact remains unconfirmed.

According to Baroness Royall, an effective response to these cultural problems would involve training sessions being organised to enable all new officers of Labour Clubs to fight against antisemitism within their circle. The report also encourages OULC to establish a  clear system of reporting for incidents of anti-semitism and racism more generally.

“I’m glad that Baroness Royall with me that OULC has a cultural problem”.

Alex Chalmers

Increased support and better communication at all levels in the Party are made the central target points of the Baroness’ recommendations struggled with allegations of anti-against antisemitism and racism in general. Royall adds that this system of reporting should include the ability to make an appeal directly to the Labour Party NEC.

The exclusion of students and other supporters from membership of the Party as punishment for being found guilty of antisemitism is, however, not perceived as an appropriate measure by the report and no such decisions have been made following the investigations.

The reports presented to the NEC stated that considering antisemitism in OULC inevitably leads to the same considerations regarding the entire Party, which has recently struggled with allegations of anti-semitism against prominent members. “No form of antisemitism or racism is acceptable, including being used as a factional political tool,” Baroness Royall concludes in the executive summary.

In its response to the report, OULC qualified antisemitism as “abhorrent, repugnant and contrary to the values we as a Club hold dear.

“The Oxford University Labour Club condemns any prejudice, intolerance and discrimination of any form and we take these allegations with the utmost seriousness,” said new co-chairs David Parton and Eleanor Ormsby. “We look forward to collaborating with her and the national Labour Party in moving forward from these events.”

The statement from the OULC Co-Chairs continues, “We will enthusiastically work with all national Labour Party officers to deal with all the complaints made against the Club. We will move to affiliate to the Jewish Labour Movement as a gesture of our solidarity with Jewish people and vigorously support the eight point plan to eradicate anti-Semitism within the Labour Party.”

Concerns about antisemitism within the Club were initially raised following the resignation of OULC former co-Chair Alex Chalmers, who claimed that many members and Oxford students in general had “some kind of problem with Jews”. The Party later found itself in controversy over allegations of antisemitism from Labour MPs.

Chalmers told Cherwell, “I’m glad that Baroness Royall agrees with me that OULC has a cultural problem that makes the club unsafe for a number of Jewish students, although I am disappointed that the report has not been published in full.

“I hope that the publication in due course of the party’s wider inquiry into antisemitism will give a fuller into antisemitism will give a fuller picture and that robust action is taken  against any individuals found to have picture and that robust action is taken against any individuals found to have been involved in antisemitic incidents.”

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