Colleges warn students of scabies outbreak

Exeter and Magdalen have sent emails warning its students about “an outbreak of scabies between students at various colleges in Oxford”.

In their email, Exeter warn warns students that “Scabies is very contagious. It is spread from one infected person to another through direct, prolonged, close physical contact. Student communities are at high risk of spreading scabies because of this.”

The college urges students to “remind other students or friends outside of college that there is an outbreak of scabies in the colleges in case they have concerns about changes in their skin appearance which are irritating them.

“Scabies can be caught by anyone so please don’t ignore the condition or worry about seeing your GP, talking to pharmacist, your family or friends etc.

“Ensure you go back to your GP if the condition gets worse or if you have not recovered after 6 weeks.”

It is not known which college the outbreak originated at, or how many colleges and students have been affected.

The warning follows wider concern over student health, with NHS England having confirmed over 220 suspected cases and 40 confirmed of Mumps amongst students at Nottingham University.

Exeter and Magdalen have been contacted for comment.

If you are worried that you might have contracted scabies contact your GP for advice.

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