Sunday, March 16, 2025

Cherpse! Roza and Tom

Roza , 2nd year, PPE, Hertford

I was quite surprised by Tom’s plan to go to a pub at 2:30 in the afternoon but I wasn’t opposed to it. We went to the Turf and the date was literally us chatting over a beer; I felt like the conversation had a nice flow and that was a positive surprise, as I was anxious that it might be awkward.

First impressions?
My first impression of Tom was that he seemed nice.

What was the most embarrassing moment?
The whole thing was pretty consistent, so it would be hard to choose, but perhaps the moment when I thought he wasn’t going to show up because I didn’t check directly under the Bridge of Sighs.

Is a second date on the cards? 
I would be open to it :))

Tom, 3rd year, Geography, Christ Church

It was a dark and stormy night (afternoon)… Storm Brendan was testing my resolve, and standing under the Bridge of Sighs, the date was off to a strong start with Roza arriving 10 minutes late. Realising she went to Hertford made my choice of Turf look pretty vanilla, but it was better she learnt that about me sooner rather than later. Chat flowed well, however hearing that she had previously travelled on a 33hr bus journey made me question whether she had retained her sanity. Seeming very relaxed she was easy to talk to and I enjoyed speaking about our mutual dislike of Fever (that was the make or break moment of the afternoon). Then discussing bad dates she had been on was encouraging. Discussing the fact she did not know that the answers to these questions get published was more worrying. Overall I feel we got on well, but then again she was Polish and kept bringing up Brexit so may have been looking for a visa.

First impressions?

Did it meet up to your expectations?
I borderline thought she wasn’t coming at one point so was all up-hill from there

What was the highlight?
Flexing that I had to leave for hockey 

What was the most embarrassing moment?
It takes a lot to embarrass me nowadays

Is a second date on the cards?
Probably depends on her visa situation

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