Speculation has been sparked recently about the existence of KGB-run Oxford spy ring in the 1930’s, writes Christopher Harris. Christopher Andrews, a professor at Cambridge, is writing an official history of the MI5, and is addressing the question of whether Oxford spies had as much success as their Cambridge counterparts, and if so, how they have avoided similar publicity. It is known from KGB files that at least 6 Oxford undergraduates were signed up in some capacity. Anthony Glees, of Brunel University, reasons “The lack of named and exposed Oxford spies on the scale of the Cambridge ring does not mean there were none; it would be quite absurd to think this was just a Cambridge phenomenon.” However, ex-Soviet mole and Somerville graduate Jenifer Hart sceptical, commenting that “as far as I’m aware there wasn’t anything like Cambridge [happening at Oxford]. Soviets were trying recruit [students], but were not successful.”
ARCHIVE: 3rd Week TT 2003