Sunday, March 9, 2025

One long word for man, one giant leap for the Big Brother state

Telekommunikationsüberwachungsmaßnahmen. Now that’s a word to get your tongue around after a few.

But that hasn’t stopped the Bavarian authorities from using it to their heart’s content, and, in doing so, smacking a heavy punch in the face of the anti-statist brigade.

The word – all 39 letters of it – means “telecommunication surveillance measures”, and, in the latest move by the Bavarian Justice Ministry to deal with terror threats, they’re set to spread from the phone to the internet. That’s right, the German police want to be able to eavesdrop on our Skype calls. My Skype calls.

A leaked memo revealing correspondence within the Ministry outlining the potential cost and pragmatics of a Skype surveillance scheme (the English is quite a mouthful too) has found its way to various minor news networks and campaign groups.

The list of functions available with the €3,500-a-month “Skype-Capture-Software” contains a chilling list covering pretty much anything you can do with Skype, including live export of voice, chat and video communication, outgoing calls, SMS messages and Skypecasts. They can even find out who’s on your Buddy list.

It looks like the nation whose language gave us Kafka’s Trial may be playing host to the real thing.

Hat tip: Spreeblick

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