Friday, March 14, 2025

Alice Kinder

Like a moth to a finalist

Peter’s finalists plagued by moth infestation in accommodation block

BNC JCR cash control

After £500 was controversially spent on a bust of an ex-JCR President, Brasenose students propose a motion to control spending

Say your prayers for Theology degrees

Plans recommend reforming the Theology degree to include more study of world religions

Outrage over students ‘handpicked’ for chalet

Balliol students demand a more transparent selection process for chalet holidays

‘A disaster for social mobility’

Oxford unites to condemn latest admissions proposals to introduce extra places for higher fees

North-south divide remains

Figures show over a third of current first years come from London and the South East

University fee rises reviewed by UK government

The government begins assessing tuition fee rises, as three-quarters of universities opt to charge the maximimum fees of £9000 per year

Privacy concerns over new student database

Oxford students given until 4th May to opt out of database

Cuts cause controversy

1% cut to Oxford\'s funding leads some to question necessity of charging £9,000 fees

Bollywood and the Bodleian

Bollywood comes to Oxford

State entrants on the rise at Oxford

New figures for 2011 entry show increase in state school admissions

Lost students find way back home

Students raise money for charity by hitch-hiking

Patten may join BBC

University's Chancellor expected to clinch top BBC job

Students fight for fairer staff wages

OUSU launch ‘Living Wage’ Campaign

Russell Group ‘soft subjects’ revealed

Director of Undergraduate Admissions warns that brighter students are “missing out”

St Anne’s skiers face Dean

All students who went on Varsity trip summoned to see Dean

Jesus repents sins

Framed letter of apology put up in JCR for "incriminating stain" on pool table

John’s porters put a stop to bop

Porters refuse to police next bop after being treated “rudely and disrespectfully”

Brookes victorious

University Challenge sweep

End of the road at St Clement’s

Businesses fear student accommodation proposal will cut off "lifeline"

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