
Hello! I post archived Cherwell content from our old website.

Words here don’t mean what we think they mean

Sam Luker Brown reviews Mercury Fur at the Pilch

Review: Giselle

Sarah Lynch enjoys an oddly costumed evening with the Russian State Ballet

Feel the Bern… while you can

Antonio Gottardello puts the brakes on Bernie's Sanders presidential bid, asserting that the Vermont senator will struggle to make headway in the southern states

California is Loaded

A Photo Series by Emanuele Biasiol

Excuse my French!

Considering the prospect of finals, Alec Fullerton laments changes to the French language and responds in kind

Oxford Colleges OxPops

Francesca Nicholls gets the low down on students' views on the Oxford collegiate system and college stereotypes.

A response to Max Leak’s Israel ‘experiment’

OxStu were recently tricked into publishing a piece of apartheid apologism with 'Israel' substituted for 'South Africa'. Bz Gilinsky argues that this proves nothing

Junior doctors hunt for the truth

Philip Pope takes stock of the ongoing fiasco surrounding junior doctor contracts. Is the imposition of a contract warranted?

OxFoods: Market Madness at Gloucester Green

A Nordic man hunts for the best flavours in Oxford.

Preview: Mercury Fur

Matt Roberts can't wait for an evening of 'hell on earth'

Spotlight: From Stage to Screen

On the screen success of stage actors

Spotlight: Eliot as playwright

On T.S. Eliot's play Murder in the Cathedral

How similar is pro-Israel discourse to apartheid apologism?

I swapped 'South Africa' for 'Israel' in a 1980s pro-Apartheid screed. The OxStu printed it

Louise Richardson backs EU membership

In an open letter the University's Vice chancellor expressed her support of the UK's European Union membership

Shakespeare al fresco

David Marchington braves the cold for this Coriolanus adaptation

Spotlight: Gender

Matt Roberts struggles with being put in a dress.

Review: Cashiered

Aurelia Vandamme is drawn into gender identity and the civil war.

Review: Phantom of the Opera

Ruari Clark is stunned by the O'Reilly's sell out show.

The Cherwell Encyclical: HT 5th Week

Marijuana 'key' for parenting says Clegg

Shia LaBeouf slaps fresher in lift upon request

The first year student asked LaBeouf to punch him for the sake of 'performance art' because he thought the star was 'bored'