Friday, March 14, 2025

Benjamin Clayton

Hindu festival celebrated with flying colours

With finals forgotten for an afternoon, students flocked to the Mansfield-Merton sports ground to celebrate Holi, the Indian spring festival

Increasing tuition fees could cause £1bn funding gap

Government funding could be threatened as yet more universities announce maximum fees

Union Tribunal goes West for Jack Sennett

Union tribunal acquits President-elect Izzy Westbury of charges of electioneering

Imperial College sets fees at £9,000

Fears that all London universities will charge maximum rate

£940m in cuts

HEFCE announces wholesale cuts for universities

"Shifty" suspect sacks Exeter

Laptops and wallets stolen from library and chapel

Floxx facilitates further fittie finding

FitFinder relaucnhes as Floxx with backing of BBC Dragon

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