Saturday, March 29, 2025

Cherwell Culture

Sarah Rutherford’s cultural must-dos

The writer behind Adult Supervision tells Cherwell about hair, the BNP and dirty realities

Lucie Dawkins’ cultural must-dos

The director of the Asmolean's next Live Friday tells Cherwell about her love for murdered peacocks, mid-life crises and flesh.

OxBardFest 2012

The Culture team explores the plays, musical performances and culinary delights of OxBardFest 2012

Welcome to Wadstock

Cherwell spends the weekend at Oxford's favourite festival

Culture Vulture 8th week

Cherwell’s culture editors gorge and feast on the remains of this term’s cultural offerings

Culture Vulture 7th week

Cherwell’s culture editors peck at seventh week’s cultural offerings

Culture Vulture

The culture editors pick over the carcasses of fourth week's offerings

A Students’ Tribute to David Foster Wallace

Three years on from his suicide, Cherwell commemorates the life and works of a cult literary genius

A guide to Oxford’s lesser-loved libraries

Cherwell contributors give a run down of the best places to hide from your friends and hammer out that last minute essay

Giveaway: Skyline goodies

Cherwell Culture has five sets of t-shirts, USB sticks and glowstsicks to give away to our readers

Win Tickets: Mark Watson at the New Theatre

10 pairs of tickets are up for grabs for Mark Watson's upcoming show at the New Theatre, Oxford

The Notorious L.I.T: burn these books

Cherwell Culture has read awful books, so that you don’t have to (but also so we can say nasty things about them)

Hidden Horror

Cherwell Culture finds three hidden horror gems. Less well known, but seriously scary. Don't read this column alone.

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