A group of around 150, organised by Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P), rallied outside the Sheldonian Theatre during Vice-Chancellor’s awards on 8th May, aiming...
Three members of the Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA) were accused of putting a Conservative leaflet over a campaign sign in the garden of...
Following the release of The College Disparities Report, a subsequent College Disparities Campaign has announced its launch. The Campaign uses the findings of the...
"A protest organised by student solidarity campaigns Oxford Palestine Society and Youth Demand has broken out in front of the Oxford Union where Nancy Pelosi is speaking."
Oxford Student Union (SU) has announced its new “Turnaround Plan” with help from the University aiming to “transform the governance and operations of the...
Oxford Union’s Appellate Board declared that the Office of President-Elect is vacant until the end of Hilary Term, after which it will be offered to the incoming Librarian for Trinity 2024, Louis Wilson. Neither of the two candidates who ran for president-elect last term, Leo Buckley or Julia Maranhao-Wong, will be taking up the role.
Elections for Student Union president open Monday to Thursday of 4th Week. Candidates include SU veterans and outsiders with a radically different vision for...
Following an investigation into two alleged counts of electoral malpractice, an Oxford Union tribunal has disqualified Leo Buckley as President-Elect. Buckley was found guilty...
The results of a major global public opinion survey indicate confidence in the West and the stability of its alliances is waning.
Oxford University’s Europe...
An investigation by Cherwell has found that the number of students accessing the University’s counselling service has been steadily increasing over the past decade,...
Speaking at the Union tonight, Ben Shapiro discussed and debated Israel’s right to retaliate in Gaza, abortion, and the upcoming 2024 American election. While...
An estimated 100 people gathered at the Clarendon Building Wednesday morning to protest Israel’s recent violence against Palestine and to urge Oxford University to...
More than 300 people gathered on Cornmarket Street to protest in support of Palestine today, eventually ending the demonstration at Manzil Way. The protesters...
Kathleen Stock’s address at the Union has attracted hundreds of protestors, both outside the Union and within the chamber. A 500-person strong “protest party”...
Oneyka Nwelue, whose Academic Visitor status at Oxford and Cambridge was terminated last month, used his position at the two universities to set up a fellowship scheme to the benefit of his financial associates.