Friday, March 14, 2025

Fiona Wilson

New Shopping Centre Planned for Oxford

Big changes are planned for St Aldate's over the next few years. Development plans will see the previously unused part of the city transformed...

John Hood Resists Government ‘Policing’ Pressure

Vice-Chancellor John Hood stood up to recent pressure from government over policing campus extremists yesterday.Recent government policy suggested heavier 'policing' at campuses, as a...

Risk of Cancer Reduced by Healthy Lifestyle

More exercise, weight control, and reduced alcohol intake can significantly reduce a woman's risk of breast cancer, according to leading Oxford researcher Professor Max...

Oxford to London in 57 Minutes

From December 9th, travel time between Oxford and London will rapidly fall as commuters find themselves with a new, high-speed route.The service will come as a welcome...

Pullman Speaks Out Over Changing Landscape

Author and local-resident Philip Pullman expressed his concern over the way Oxford was changing, warning that it threatened the unique nature of the city.Pullman raised his...

Bodleian-on-Thames to Go Ahead

A new £29 million development for the Bodleian Library has been approved by Oxford City Council. The extension, at Osney Meads, will hold an estimated eight million...

Oxford: Hitler’s Choice

Oxford was to be the capital of Hitler's new kingdom, according to invasion plans unearthed at the Bodleian Library, announce staff earlier this week....

Cowley Road Most Dangerous in Oxford

Cowley Road, known for its eclectic nightlife and many student houses, is statistically the most dangerous street in Oxford. Last year, more than 900...

Johnson wins Tory Mayoral Candidate Election

Oxford alumnus Boris Johnson has won the election to become the Tory Candidate for next year's London Mayoral race. The popular MP won the...

OxGoss Replaced by TSR

Rumour-mill Oxford Gossip was deleted earlier this week, with the URL directing viewers to The Student Rooms's Oxbridge forums.In the last fortnight the forums...

Cherwell24 meets poet Jenny Lewis

Jenny Lewis performs one of her poems for Cherwell24 at the Oxford Literary Festival 2007.

Oxford beats Cambridge to Top Spot

Oxford has beaten Cambridge to the top spot in the Times Good University Guide for the sixth year running, reports The Times Online.Cambridge came...

The Summer Blog: A-Level Results, Archives and Everything Else

Hello! Over the past few days, you might have noticed that the site has been offline. This is because we are currently moving the archived articles from...

Flash Floods Hit Oxfordshire

Torrential downpours hit Oxfordshire yesterday causing severe flooding and transport delays.Many train routes in and around Oxford have been cancelled or rerouted, leaving passengers stranded...

Proctors turn to Facebook

Oxford's Proctors have resorted to Facebook in their latest campaign against post-exam celebrations.   Senior members of Univeristy staff are using the social networking...

Strickland goes for MP

Earlier this week saw former OUSU President Alan Strickland vying to take over Tony Blair’s position as MP for Sedgefield.  After more than 50...

Eights’ Thrill Approach

As the nights get shorter, the river becomes more crowded with punts, tourists in row-boats, and the hundreds of rowers cramming in as many...


Margaret Atwood, acclaimed Canadian writer and former Booker Prize winner, is to visit Oxford this week to promote her new novel, Oryx and Crake....

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