Imogen Beecroft

Interview: Sophie Hulme

Imogen Beecroft talks to Sophie Hulme, a young designer causing quite a stir

Interview: David Gandy & Alex Bilmes

Imogen Beecroft talks shoes, the Olympics and making it with supermodel David Gandy and Esquire editor Alex Bilmes

Porter rescues bike

Bike returned to Hertford student by porter


Imogen Beecroft on why a 9 to 5 in the Olympic Park is guaranteed to infect even the most ardent cynic with the Olympic spirit.

Captain’s Cocktails Carnage

At least one ambulance called to attend the guests of an Emergency Services themed event hosted by Oxford Universtiy Rugby Club at the Iffley Sports Ground

Wikipedia mapping by OII

The team which brought us the Zombie awareness map have now visually logged all Wikipedia contributions

OUSU condemn ‘no guests, no exceptions’ policy

Council motion presenting an alternative to outright bans passes overwhelmingly

Trinity in access outrage

An ex-Trinity student has accused the College of 'appalling' access policy.

Family graduates en masse

Six members of one family are graduating at once after delaying for up to twenty years

Dons clash over Shakespeare film

A film casting doubt on Shakespeare’s authorship of his plays provokes varied reactions from Oxford English tutors.

Trinity to offer bursaries to bereaved students

Oil tycoon’s £5m donation will go towards bursaries for those who have lost parents

Earliest medieval map of Great Britain digitally released

Bodleian helps widen access to the Gough Map

Oxford develops insect spy machines

Researchers at the Department of Zoology revolutionise surveillance

Dilnot heads in new direction

St Hugh's Principal's care report signals his intention to 'spend more time doing economics'

Presidents apologise

BNC ex-JCR President and Ball President formally apologise for finances

Clem’s accommodation condemned

Oxford University joins the chorus of angry residents in condemning a proposal for three blocks of student accommodation on St Clement's car park

Bod launches apps

The Bodelian Libraries launches the first in a series of smartphone apps alongside a competition giving students the opportunity to name them