Monday, March 10, 2025

Iseult de Mallet Burgess

“I was told that I need to better manage my time”: Living with endometriosis at Oxford

CW: suicide Underdiagnosed and understudied, endometriosis has long existed largely in the shadows. For one Oxford student who responded to our survey, this meant 15...

Vivienne Westwood: Cultural Provocateur and True Original

Iseult de Mallet Burgess looks back on the life and work of the late icon, activist, and trailblazer Dame Vivienne Westwood.

The Complicated Legacy of Shinzo Abe

Abe’s most cherished goal was to revise Japan’s ‘pacifist’ constitution; a goal he never achieved.

In Conversation with Cameron Saul

Cameron is the co-founder of British luxury sustainable fashion brand BOTTLETOP, which originated through a design collaboration with the Mulberry fashion label in 2002.

Pope Francis’ comments on parenthood are nothing new for childfree women

"Yet this rhetoric is nothing new for childfree people – childfree women in particular."

How conservatives are weaponising feminism to bring down Roe v Wade

Fitch’s argument is that because of feminism, women are now fully able to pursue both motherhood and a career, eliminating the need for abortion. To support her argument, she draws on her own experience as a (white, upper middle class) single mother. 

Gender abolition: Why it matters

"The solution cannot be simply equality. It must be the dissolution of gender as we know it."

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