Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Isobel Merriman

How to find the ‘good’ in ‘goodbye’: moving on and breaking up

We choose who we trust. Sometimes, we just pick wrong. We kiss the wrong people, hold the wrong hands. When you realise you aren’t...

In Conversation With Mae Martin

There’s something slightly surreal about emailing someone whose comedy routines regularly pop up on your Facebook feed, whose new hit comedy ‘Feel Good’ got...

How to have the perfect relationship (and other lies)

Often, Men seem Martian. They just baffle me. And I’ve got it on good authority that despite our best efforts, they’re regularly just as...

“Superstition ain’t the way” – did Stevie Wonder get it right?

On my left wrist sits a tiny silver star on a chain. On my right hand, a ring my mother was given by her...

Antisocial Media

Between digging the bunker in the back garden and foraging for loo roll, I’ve mostly been scrolling through Oxlove recently, becoming increasingly invested in...

Get Withs and Guilty Feminists

So here I am, tackling this morally ambiguous minefield head on with an investigation into ‘get withs’ and whether or not they really are feminist. Dear...

Fresher fashion – the conflict between comfort, identity and productivity

A nervous incoming fresher in early October, I can remember trawling through Oxford student articles desperate for fashion do’s and don’ts before I packed the world’s...

Finding and Losing Love at Uni

Love is an elusive beast. It creeps up on you when you least expect it and generally, it messes with your plans. I’d always planned...

How to Maintain Meaningful Relationships over the Vac

Pretty quickly you realise that Oxford socialising is intense. A week of regular cups of tea with someone can create speculative rumours about your...

How to Maintain Meaningful Relationships over the Vac

Pretty quickly you realise that Oxford socialising is intense. A week of regular cups of tea with someone can create speculative rumours about your relationship with...

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