Friday, February 21, 2025

John Robins

Iggy Pop: Skull Ring

Iggy Pop: Skull Ring Out now Iggy Pop’s first recording in years, unashamedly superb, being packed with the original beauty of rock. Greenday helped...

Slip me some Skin

Ever since the untimely break up of Skunk Anansie, time has shown that their material has aged very well. Some would say not at...

Mogwai Fear No-one

Seeing Mogwai is an experience. Those who turn up with ear plugs have the wrong idea. The Sk8r Bois who came along because they...

Lou Reed

NYC Man is Lou Reed’s first self selected greatest hits and it certainly does a good job of representing a career which has spanned...

Undergraduates Anonymous

Everyone has an addiction. There are little things that if we didn’t do everyday, would leave us with an uncomfortable feeling, a withdrawal symptom...


Everyone has an object of hatred. I remember working at a Virgin Megastore when J.E.E.P and ‘Have a Nice Day’ were being released. Maybe...

Alkaline Trio

Reading the lyrics to Alkaline trio’s latest album Good Mourning, not dissimilar to trawling through the cringe-worthy efforts of some fifeteen year-old trying to...


David Gedge’s career is founded on his love of John Peel. Gedge is one of those people who obsessively records the festive fifty every...

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