Lara Bryan

Revealed: The OUCA Files

Council minutes show student Conservative association in disarray

Queen Elizabeth to visit Oxford at Easter

Her Majesty will take part in an ceremony at Christ Church Cathedral where she will give out Maundy money

Prince Charles to visit Oxford

The Prince of Wales will visit St Stephen’s House in February to meet those training for the Anglican ministry

Geo-tagged tweets map where football fans live

Researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute explore links between geo-coded tweets and the location of football fans.

Oxford MP changes position on gay marriage

In a response to a letter of appeal written by JCR and MCR presidents, Nicola Blackwood, whose constituency contains eight Oxford colleges, has explained that she is no longer against the government's same-sex marriage proposals

Varsity hat-trick for Oxford

Oxford achieves its third victory in a row in the annual rugby match against Cambridge.

Oxford academics criticise Higher Education Reform

Prominent UK intellectuals, including many with ties to Oxford, form The Council for the Defence of British Universities, a campaign to 'defend' universities.

Council awarded living wage certification

Living Wage Foundation confirms that Oxford City Council plays staff living wage

St Anne’s receives largest life time donation ever

St Anne's college has received £1.5 million from Mike and Helen Danson which will provide over 30 undergraduates with bursaries and internship opportunities

Oxford alumna creates porn website

Cindy Gallop, a Somerville graduate, has created a new website which is attempting to change accepted standards of pornography by only using user-submitted videos

Oxonian’s Olympic Ode a success

Ode written by Oxford Professor and read by Boris Johnson received enthusiastically

Oxford researchers solve MS drug mystery

Oxford University scientists discover gene flaw which explains why certain drugs are unable to treat multiple sclerosis.

Hospital plans unveiled

Oxford University show plans at public exhibition for integration of the Park Hospital in Headington and Old Road Campus

Vice Chancellor returns from Asia trip

Professor Andrew Hamilton travels to locations in Asia to forge stronger links, especially concerning the medical profession

Empowerment motion at Jesus rejected

The motion to demand a woman's empowerment event at Jesus has been rejected following a referendum

Jesus divided over women’s empowerment

JCR holds Extraordinary General Meeting over whether to hold a specific 'Women's Empowerment Day' ahead of Friday's referendum

Exeter JCR committee sing ‘Call Me Maybe’

An alteration to the Exeter JCR consitution demands that all members of the exec stand up and sing 'Call Me Maybe' before every JCR meeting

OUSU delegates argue for weighted loans

Oxford students at NUS conference in Sheffield propose expanding London specific weighted loans to other parts of the country

Trenton Oldfield charged with causing ‘public nuisance’

Trenton Oldfield, the protestor who halted this year's boat race by swimming into the paths of the boats, has been charged and bailed subject to strict conditions

Disabled Keble drummer goes viral

Student Cornel Hrisca-Munn receives hundreds of thousands of YouTube views for his drum covers of songs