Lois Heslop

Interview: Layla Moran

I meet Layla in St Anne’s College, right in the heart of her constituency Oxford West and Abingdon, where she has just spent the...

Mahi Joshi takes Union Presidency

Mahi Joshi will be Union President in Trinity Term 2020, with her 'Imagine' slate taking all four Officer positions. Union Librarian Joshi won with...

Shamed into silence: how our language and culture forces women into compliance

“We don’t want your solidarity and empty words. We want you to stand with us.”

Union President resigns

Union President Brendan McGrath has resigned this evening over the treatment of Ebenezer Azamati

Union Librarian and Secretary call for President’s resignation

Librarian Mahi Joshi releases statement condemning actions of President McGrath

Interview: Bendor Grosvenor

The art historian and presenter on restoration, vanity and Old Masters

Radcliffe Science Library set to close until summer 2021

The Radcliffe Science Library (RSL) is set to close from January 2020 until summer 2021, as revealed by Bodleian Libraries in new plans. The RSL...

How to almost win a Nobel Prize

It is time to break the illusion of Nobel prizes in the sciences.

Interview: Yes Theory

On travel, seeking discomfort, and doing things scared

EXCLUSIVE: Oxford Union releases Michaelmas term card

Speakers include Theresa May, Arron Banks and Candace Owens. There will be debates on authoritarianism, the climate crisis, science and fake news.

Interview: David Harrington

Founder and Artistic Director of the Kronos Quartet David Harrington on contemporary music, collaboration and legacy

Interview: Jocelyn Bell Burnell

On astrophysics, unconscious bias, and women in science

Interview: Lucy Worsley

"I don't think history always 'gets better'": the historian and presenter on queens, clothing and curation

‘What it means to be a cornerstone’: life at an all girls’ school

What does it mean to be a polished cornerstone, and can we make sure it's not something sexist?

Interview: renowned opera singer Iestyn Davies

Cambridge, choirs, colleges and everything else