Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Marcus Balmer

All the world’s a screen

Marcus Balmer looks at how film has reinterpreted Shakespeare

Preview: Dan and Jon vs. The Funsultancy

Don't miss the Ultimate Picture Palace screening of this bewilderingly brilliant student film

Review: The Quiet Ones

This copy-cat horror flick is absolute garbage

Review: The Double

Richard Ayoade's sophomore directing effort is a tantalising and arresting piece of work

Verdict: The Oscars 2014

Marcus Balmer enjoys another awards ceremony. Another year of farcicle, pompous, ultimately insignificant fun.

Review: Lone Survivor

Peter Berg's passion project poses as a thoughtful film about warfare, yet is ultimately a dumb nationalistic action-movie

The Sound of Movies

Marcus Balmer charts his 15 favourite examples of popular tracks in film history

Review: Doctor Who Christmas Special 2013

Marcus Balmer finds 'The Time Of The Doctor' a deeply unsatisfying conclusion to Matt Smith's reign in the blue box

Interview: Steve Oram

Marcus Balmer talks to Steve Oram about the dark British comedy, Sightseers

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