Mischa Frankl-Duval

Review: Rae Morris – From Above

Mischa Frankl-Duval finds Rae Morris to be a bit overhyped....

Review: Foxygen – We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors of…

Mischa Frankl-Duval finds this release enjoyable if derivative

Oxford dating website re-launched

Controversial dating website opens again with tagline 'date someone as smart as you'

Will.i.am flies into Oxford’s University Parks

Hit singer and The Voice judge Will.i.am arrives in University Parks by 'hip.hop.copter' to talk about climate change

Oxford Maths graduates highest paid in country

Research shows that the average starting salary of an Oxford Maths graduate is higher than that of any other graduate in the country

UKIP Candidate slammed for ‘homophobia’

Oxford University alumnus Dr Julia Gasper has stated that she has received 'death threats' for her comments regarding homosexuality and linking the Koran to Mein Kampf

Oxford names Shakespeare collaborator

Experts at Oxford have concluded that the play 'All's Well That Ends Well', commonly believed to have been written solely by Shakespeare, was co-written by former Queen's student Thomas Middleton

Unis face fines for breaching student recruitment rules

An estimated 25,000 students were recruited last year, resulting in fines that could total £90m

Missing Bean opens in St Cross building

Popular coffee shop introduces outlet in building of English and Law libraries

British universities less appealing to foreign students

UCAS figures reveal a drop in applications from EU residents as a result of fee rises

Male sex drive causes war

Oxford researchers explore patterns of male aggression

Number of female professors rises

National statistics demonstrate that more women than ever before are gaining top university positions

Tutor nominated for poetry prize

Bernard O’Donoghue nominated for the prestigious T.S. Eliot Prize

New Year’s charity drive

Students pledge to give up luxuries in aid of Oxford based charity 'Giving what we can'

Breakthrough in Oxford malaria research

Team of researchers at Oxford University develop new malaria vaccine, which is labelled 'very exciting.'