Monday, March 3, 2025

Nancy Epton

Had Eno-ugh of revision? Give ‘Ascent’ a listen

Exams coming up? Check out this perfect track to help you cope

Review: Avengers: Infinity War

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) donned his iron suit for the first time a whole decade ago, establishing the groundwork for a cinematic universe...

The Morality of Mario Kart’s Blue Shell

Nancy Epton discusses the infuriating Blue Shell, the bane of Mario Kart gamers

Better Caul Saul: Season Three Reviewed

Nancy Epton draws comparisons between the Netflix prequel and its AMC original, whilst shedding light on the cast beyond the eponymous character

Review: ‘Free Fire’

Nancy Epton finds Ben Wheatley's latest picture unashamedly violent and highly quotable, yet ultimately shallow

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