Monday, March 10, 2025

Oliver Adelson

Oxford Union doesn’t believe Ukraine should negotiate with Russia to end the war

This Thursday night, the Oxford Union voted against the motion “This House believes Ukraine should negotiate with Russia to end the war now.” The...

Oxford Union has no confidence in the United Nations

On Thursday night, the Oxford Union voted in favour of the motion “This House Has No Confidence in the United Nations.” The final count had 148 members voting for the motion and 90 members voting against. 

The winter of of our discontent: Heating in Oxford’s student accommodation

Winter in Oxford is decidedly cold. Starting in October, temperatures drop from over 20 degrees Celsius to freezing, sometimes overnight. While many student rooms...

Exclusive: Dominic Cummings, Lil Pump, and Gabbie Hanna to speak at Oxford Union

Cherwell has gained exclusive access to the Oxford Union’s Hilary term card. The line-up of speakers set to address the Union includes British political...

Oxford accepted more than £106 million in anonymous donations

An openDemocracy investigation has revealed that Oxford accepted more than £106 million in anonymous donations between 2017 and 2023 — more than any other Russell Group university. The donations come from just 68 anonymous donors, putting the average amount given over £1.5 million.

Wolfson College is first zero-carbon UK higher education institution

Wolfson College has eliminated its carbon emissions in time for COP28, making it the first zero-carbon higher education institution in the UK. 

Tom Hanks speaks at Oxford Union

Speaking on Friday night before a full chamber at the Oxford Union, Tom Hanks discussed the importance of empathy in acting, his experience working...

Katie Hopkins speaks at Oxford Union in veganism debate

On Thursday night, the Oxford Union voted in favour of the motion “This House Would Go Vegan.” The final count had 112 members voting...

Student Union to condemn Oxford Union for controversial speakers

The Student Council has passed a motion mandating the SU condemn the Oxford Union for inviting Ben Shapiro, Katie Hopkins, and Charlie Kirk. The motion...

Oxford Union believes violent protest is a necessary political tool

On Thursday night, the Oxford Union voted narrowly in favour of the motion “This House believes violent protest is a necessary political tool,” with...

Over 1,900 Oxford students, faculty, and alumni call on University to endorse immediate ceasefire in Gaza

A petition for the University to endorse an immediate ceasefire in Gaza has garnered over 1,900 signatures from Oxford students, faculty, and alumni.  Representatives from...

JSoc condemns Intifada chants at student protests

The Oxford University Jewish Society (JSoc) released a statement condemning “anti-Semitic incitements to violence” used by students during recent protests. In particular, the student...

Oxford tops worldwide university rankings

The University of Oxford has placed first in the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) University Rankings. This is the eighth consecutive year THE has...

UCU votes to end marking and assessments boycott

The UCU has ended its marking boycott, with 60% of members voting in favour of the decision. Markers have been instructed to resume “working...

All Geography Prelims candidates allowed to progress to second year amidst marking boycott

In response to the UCU marking boycott, all first-year Geography students whose exams have been affected by the boycott will automatically be allowed to...

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