Rob Macquarie

Oxford research maps populations’ genetic histories

The ancestral genetic mix of populations across the world has been mapped by a research team from Oxford and UCL

Oxford student reaches naked sledding finals

Oxford student among finalists for 2014 Naked Sledding World Championship

Research council increases STEM investment

Further funding for science and technology postgraduate students sees the creation of Centres for Doctoral Training

Magdalen plans library renovation

Students will be unable to access college library during building work to expand the space available

Clem’s forced to remove graffiti

City council have told St Clement’s nightclub that colourful exterior was “not in keeping with the surrounding area”

‘Oxbridge’ academy set up

Westminster free school hopes for 50% Oxbridge admissions success

Freshers’ week Freudian sleep

A fresher from Exeter college woke up in the early hours of the morning in the cocktail bar's bathroom only to be mistaken for an intruder.