Robert Walmsley

‘Free Palestine’ protest held in Oxford

Around 200 protestors marched through Oxford on Monday in 'Free Palestine' protest

National demonstration for free education planned

A coalition of student groups have called a protest in London in support of free education

Proctors’ Office requires registered clubs to change rules

Clubs registered with the University now required to meet regulations that came into effect in October 2013

University committee backs Living Wage for staff

The University’s Planning, Resources and Allocation Committee has recommended that the University Council adopt a paper that would pay the Living Wage to central staff

OUSU Council approves budget

OUSU Council vote to approve student union’s budget for academic year 2014/15

Shadow minister to discuss HE funding with University

The Shadow Minister for Universities, Science and Skills Liam Byrne is set to discuss the possibility of variable fees with University officials

Cherwell live tweet the #UnionNoCon debate

The Oxford Union is debating a No Confidence motion against President Ben Sullivan tonight

Support grows for fossil fuels divestment campaign

More JCRs voice support for 'Fossil Free' ahead of a divestment rally this weekend

Mental illnesses lower life expectancy more than smoking

Oxford researchers have discovered that mental illnesses can reduce life expectancy more than heavy smoking

"Serious irregularities" in NUS referendum

Junior Tribunal to look into result of NUS referendum after 'serious irregularities' found in vote

Local election results announced

The results of the local elections held for Oxford City Council have been announced

Students protest for ‘Clegg off campus’

Students staged a protest during the visit of Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, to Oxford

Open letter calls for Union President to resign

Oxford students have written an open letter calling for Oxford Union President Ben Sullivan to resign, and contacted guests due to speak at the Oxford Union this term asking them to withdraw

‘Clegg off campus’ protest planned

Oxford students plan protest ahead of the 2014 European Studies Centre Annual Lecture which is to be delivered by Nick Clegg

Investigation: Local council hustings reviewed

As part of our C+ investigation into the upcoming local elections, Robert Walmsley went to hustings before OUSU council

Balliol JCR urges College to get Living Wage accreditation

The Balliol JCR has passed a motion to pressure the college into pursuing Living Wage accreditation

Union Treasurer resigns

Charles Malton, Treasurer of the Oxford Union, resigns as President Ben Sullivan considers his position

The Clintons visit Oxford

Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton are seen in Oxford

What are the alternatives to the NUS?

C+ investigates how OUSU can continue to have a national influence, if it leaves the NUS

Is an NUS Extra Card worthwhile?

C+ investigates how useful the NUS Extra Card is, which Oxford students would lose eligibility for if OUSU disaffiliates from the NUS